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Everything you wanted to know about pop-rush quirks, and far more.

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  • Everything you wanted to know about pop-rush quirks, and far more.

    Pop-rushing, also commonly known as slavery, whipping or lashing is a powerful ability. It is also quite complex and can work in strange ways! I aim to explain exactly how it works - or at least how the quirks work! Reading this may make you more confused than when you started but that's because it is a confusing subject!
    This is all as of patch 1.61, pop-rush has changed each patch pretty much, but it is unlikely there will be any further changes until maybe the expansion. So get to used to this mess!

    Some terms I'll use:
    zero-h whipping, this refers to whipping a new build with 0 hammers invested in it. Can also mean zero-hour.

    Some things you need to know...

    Hammer-Bundles from whipping:
    Hammers generated by whipping come in (and only in) the following quantities:
    Quick: 20
    Normal: 30
    Epic: 44
    Marathon: 90

    Nothing affects the size of the hammer bundle.

    Things that can improve the efficiency off slavery:
    Everything that gives a bonus to production. Absolutely everything.
    Naturally, organized religion only works when whipping buildings, and the heroic epic only works when whipping units.

    The Bloody Guts of Whipping:
    Through various patches the way that whipping works has become terribly convoluted, but it's not at all hard to understand once you realize how it actually works!

    1) It calculates the minimum number of hammer-bundles required to complete the build, based very simply on hammers_remaining/bundle_size.
    2) It calculates the amount of pop to sacrifice, accounting for production bonuses, it calculates this based on the adjusted hammers remaining.
    3) 1 and 2 are entirely separate, it does NOT calculate the required population based on the number of bundles!

    Got that? Okay, let’s try some examples:

    Whipping a Barracks (non-aggressive):

    A barracks costs 60 hammers.

    The AMOUNT of population to sacrifice will vary.

    Starting at 1/60 hammers:
    2 hammer bundles are needed, which brings it to 61/60.
    The population to kill is calculated like this:
    59/30 = 1.97 , rounded up = 2.

    Starting from zero... 0/60 hammers:
    2 hammer bundles are needed, which brings it to 60/60.
    Population required:
    60 x 1.5 (zero-h whip) = 90.
    90/30 = 3.
    3 population is needed.

    1/60 and Organized Religion:
    As usual, 2 bundles are required, bringing it to 60/60.
    Population required:
    59 / (30 * 1.25) = 1.57, rounded up = 2

    So you killed 2 population and get 60 hammers... org rel hasn't helped.

    25/60 and Organized Religion:
    To finish off 35 hammers, 2 bundles are required, bringing it to 85/60 (there will be 25 carryover)
    Population required:
    35 / (30*1.25) = 0.78 , rounded up = 1

    Will you look at that? 60 hammers for 1 pop! Thanks Org.Rel!

    So when rushing a barracks (or any other 60 hammer building) with org rel...
    Between 1 and 21 and hammers, whipping costs 2 pop and adds 60 hammers.
    Between 21 and 29 hammers, whipping costs 1 pop and adds 60 hammers.
    Between 30 and 59 hammers, whipping costs 1 pop and adds 30 hammers.

    The Organized Courthouse:

    The Courthouse costs 120 hammers, and Organized gives a 100% production boost.

    2/120 hammers:
    118/30, rounded up = 4 bundles required, it will be 122/120.
    Pop Required:
    118 / (30 * 2) = 1.97, rounded up = 2.

    It gets ugly at 30/120:
    90/30 = 3 bundles required, bringing it to 120/120. Note that whipping only ever gives you the minimum number of bundles!
    Population required:
    90/(30*2) = 1.5, rounded up = 2.

    Oh will you look at that? You get 90 hammers for 2 population! In fact you end up with less carryover whipping at 30/120 than 1/120!

    It gets WEIRD at 59/120:
    61/30 = 3 bundles required, bringing it to 159/120.

    Population required:
    61/(30*2), rounded up = 1.
    Actually I know that math doesn't work, so the calculation is probably actually:
    CEILING((TRUNCATE((61 * 100) / 200)) / 30) = 1
    Anyway, at 59/120 it costs 1 pop and provides 90 hammers.

    So to summarize the organized courthouse...
    Between 1 and 29, whipping costs 2 pop and adds 120 hammers.
    Between 30 and 58, whipping costs 2 pop and adds 90 hammers.
    At 59, whipping costs 1 pop and adds 90 hammers.
    Between 60 and 89, whipping costs 1 pop and adds 60 hammers.
    Between 90 and 119, whipping costs 1 pop and adds 30 hammers.

    Zero-hour whipping weirdness
    I haven’t talked about whipping from zero hammers yet.
    What this does is acts like a reverse production bonus. It has no effect on the number of bundles or the size of the bundles, it just (possibly) increases the population killed to generate the needed number of bundles.

    Between 0 and 20 hammers: Normal = 1 pop, zero-h = 1 pop. No penalty!
    Between 21 and 30 hammers: Normal = 1 pop, zero-h = 2 pop. 1 extra pop.
    Between 31 and 40 hammers: Normal = 2 pop, zero-h = 2 pop. No penalty!
    Between 40 and 59 hammers: Normal = 2 pop, zero-h = 3 pop. 1 extra pop
    Between 61 and 80 hammers: Normal = 3 pop, zero-h = 4 pop. 1 extra pop
    Between 81 and 90 hammers: Normal = 3 pop, zero-h = 5 pop. 2 extra pop!
    Between 91 and 100 hammers: Normal = 4 pop, zero-h = 5 pop. 1 extra pop
    At 100+ hammers it will always kill off 2 or more extra pop.

    As you can see there are actually two windows of opportunity to whip from zero hammers and lose nothing! Units which fit in this category at quick/normal are:
    Warrior, Scout, Axemen, Spearmen, Jaguar, Swordsmen, Explorer, Missionary.
    Notable exception is the Praetorian. Also it's different at epic/marathon, I give a more complete list.

    And naturally if you have production bonuses that effect units, such as Police State, the above chart will be invalidated!

    Summary, Please?
    Units that are good to whip from zero-hammers because nothing is lost:
    At Quick/Normal: Warrior, Scout, Axemen, Spearmen, Swordsmen, Jaguar, Catapult, Missionary, Explorer.
    At Epic: Warrior, Scout, Axemen, Spearmen, Jaguar, Workboat
    At Marathon: Warrior, Archer, Chariot, Horse Archer, Longbowman, Pikeman, Workboat, Galley, Caravel,

    When dealing with +100% production bonuses, it is BAD to whip if more than 30 hammers would carryover.
    ie: It says 2 pop required and you have a +100% production so you'd EXPECT to get 60 hammers per pop, however if more than 30 would carryover, you lose 30!
    Hammers remaining...
    1..30 : BAD to whip (ie the last half of an aggressive barracks)
    31...60: GOOD to whip
    61...90: BAD to whip
    91...120: GOOD to whip (ie 1-turn into an organized courthouse)

    When dealing with a +25% production bonus, you'll sometimes get a 2-for-1 type deal.
    Hammers remaining...
    0...30: BAD to whip, kill 1 pop for 30 hammers.
    31...38: GOOD to whip, kill 1 pop for 60 hammers.
    39...60: BAD to whip, kill 2 pop for 60 hammers.
    61...76: GOOD to whip, kill 2 pop for 90 hammers.
    77...90: BAD to whip, kill 3 pop for 90 hammers.
    91...113: GOOD to whip, kill 3 pop for 120 hammers.
    114...120: BAD to whip, kill 4 pop for 120 hammers.
    121...150: GOOD to whip, kill 4 pop for 150 hammers.
    151 hammers: BAD to whip, kill 5 pop for 150 hammers.
    Past this point it's pretty much always good to whip.

    Now as I mentioned at the start it’s unlikely that there will be another patch for vanilla CIV (at least Firaxis hasn’t promised one and there is considerable incentive not to as that would mess with SDK mods in a bad way). So even tho this whipping stuff is nasty and hard to understand, your kind of stuck having to understand it if you want to make the most of whipping (or avoid the gotchas anyway).
    Hope you weren't happier not knowing .
    Last edited by Blake; May 22, 2006, 08:44.

  • #2
    wow. that is almost as weird as some of smac's "features"
    well, as you said, probably no choice, gotta learn it


    • #3
      Not happier now, but very interested.

      Can (and want) you, please, give a summary for some buildings,too?

      (My ten calculators with a trouble in that math...).

      My thanks.

      Best regards,


      • #4
        Head... spinning...

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #5
          Wow, excellent research. When I try to move up in difficulty level I'll probably write this down and use it.


          • #6
            Good stuff.

            I've played a bit with these numbers and there are some cases I'm having problems with.

            Consider the organized courthouse at 119/120.

            1/30 = 1 bundle

            Pop cost:
            1*100/200 = 0.5
            TRUNC(0.5) = 0
            CEILING(0*30) = 0

            I can't check in the game right now but this seems unlikely.

            The same happens with the barracks with organized religion at 59/60. It doesn't occur when there is no production bonus.


            • #7
              Good work . Naturally that showed up in the spreadsheet I made to calculate all the stuff. Altough I havn't checked the SDK code, I'm almost certain it'll use max(calculated_value,1) function to prevent that.
              * well I have sort of skimmed through the SDK code, but it is pretty convoluted so I derived the formula empirically rather than trying to read it from the code...


              • #8
                There is an unhappiness penalty to consider. I can't believe a city could even function after "Past this point it's pretty much always good to whip. [point being 5 pop]"
                No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                • #9
                  Well that is kind of irrelevant since this is about "what happens when you hit the whip button" rather than "when should you hit the whip button".

                  I'll say though, that the "whipping quirks" are most significant when killing small amounts of population. When killing off like 3 pop, thei difference between a "good" and "bad" whip is pretty small.

                  And also, whipping is indeed usually much more limited by the anger than the available population, so in a city that grows fast, getting the most out of your population isn't so important. Altough it's still useful to get the higher hammer counts, like avoiding the "dud" whips on +100% boosted buildings.

                  And also xploiting the +25% bonuses can make 1-pop whips very powerful, making it quite useful even for slower growing cities. That is a very dodgy exploit tho, I don't do it myself. Too lazy mostly.


                  • #10
                    Blake please:

                    I could not understand the "rushing a barracks with OR between 30 and 59 H". Why lose 2 pop, and not 1, ( 30/30.1,25). Is it a typing mistake?

                    My thanks in advance.

                    (To let you know: for me your work arrived just on time).

                    Best regards,


                    • #11
                      Good catch, it was a simple typo.


                      • #12
                        Wow! Many thanks, Blake. This clears up a lot of my confusion about when/why pop costs are what they are.

                        Any chance you could share that spreadsheet? Even if it is not perfect, I'm pretty darn good at spreadsheet manipulation and tidy-up (had to become that for business reasons), and I'd LOVE to have a nice color-coded chart to tell me the ideal time to spend that pop point.

                        And of *course* I will share all improvements I may make!

                        Thanks again, great work.



                        • #13
                          Oops. Backwards/forward in browser sent message twice. Apologies for the goof.



                          • #14
                            Have fun.

                            edited: Go to my next post to get the updated spreadsheet.
                            Last edited by Blake; May 22, 2006, 10:00.


                            • #15
                              Excellent information. For a bronze age rush, this info can save a bunch of turns.

                              There is no teacher but the enemy.

