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alternative power source

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  • alternative power source


    please i want to ask an advice,or a suggestion.
    i use to play standard size,archipelago,snaky continents.
    sometimes,resources that are strategic importance,are a bit,i might have iron,copper,and oil frequently,but not coal.
    the coal plant works,of course only with coal(power providing).
    i want to add alternatively,if you dont have coal to make it provide power,to do it if i ve got oil.
    how can i do this?
    and the same thing happens or perhaps better i want to improve on the jet gihter and generally all units require the aluminium.sometimes the aluminium is rear and the AI wont trade easily(if they have more than one aluminium)and i want to make if i dont have aluminium,the jet fighter to be constructed if you have a combination,to have both copper and iron.
    i would be greatly oblicated to any who can assist me or,just tell me his opinion.

  • #2
    Conquest. Sometimes it's the only thing you can do. There are only three types of power plants in Civ 4: coal, hydroelectric and nuclear. There is no oil, or wind, or solar plants. So, when you get to coal plants and have no coal, you've got three options: you can research another technology to get a different type of power plant you can build, you can go acquire the coal resource through whatever means are needed, or you can do without. If they won't trade it to you, seize it by force.
    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


    • #3

      thanks in advance for your interest Quillan.

      Conquest sure it is always an option.but sometimes its not resolving the problem.
      in the world there are of course plenty of diesel-providing electric power stations.and that s why i was wondering if you can(like the battleship)use an alternative power source for working it.oil i think its much easier in my games to be found,and with this way to be used.
      about jet fighter you ve got an idea?


      • #4
        I think what you are looking for is a mod to the XML files. I suspect this is relatively easy (famous last words), but you're more likely to get a useful answer on the "Creation" forum.

        Fill me with the old familiar juice


        • #5


          only by editing the xml files this can be done.
          that is my basic question to be exact,what exactly should i change in the code?


          • #6
            Re: indeed

            Originally posted by aracuan_76

            only by editing the xml files this can be done.
            that is my basic question to be exact,what exactly should i change in the code?
            I think you should ask this question in the "Creation" forum where it will be read by many people who understand the XML. Someone there may be able to help you.

            Fill me with the old familiar juice

