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No more Quayle

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  • No more Quayle

    I'm so tired of only getting the last 3 scores. I've won many different ways on noble and just recently moved on to prince... and I'm still not getting anywhere. I just won a cultural victory (time and space vics turned off) and still did lousy.

    I typically play on large maps at marathon speed.

    How can I up my score?

  • #2
    Fight early and often. Aim for a domination win. Take out an opponent with axes, another with maces, one to three more with cavalry and if you need it another with grenadiers/riflemen. The game penalizes you for sitting around and letting the ai's grow. Don't let them.


    • #3

      I tried that... more or less.

      In the culture win I took all but two of Peter's cities with axes and then the remaining two with calvary. I went to war with others, but didn't take any cities.

      I would say I led the pack for more than 50% of the game, but lost my lead to George as he didn't seem to be dragged down by the number of cities like I was (he had infantry while I was still playing with calvary). Eventually all the civs passed me in techs and after taking out Elizabeth, the Inca pushed me into the number two land mass slot.

      I won by culture, but there were 4 civs above me in score, none above 5K (I was in the upper 3's).


      • #4
        You know what was odd... the very first Civ4 game I played was a multiplayer with one human and two AIs. I left the workers on auto the whole game, but I was at war numerous times... and somehow I got the the highest ranking (Julius Caesar, or whoever it is). I have never been able to get higher than Chamberlain since that game.

        I guess the saying isn't true... war IS the answer


        • #5
          Kill lots people, always have cities pumping out units, even when the game is all like "nooo! we can't take no more units!!" Pump them anyway, pump them harder actually because the game is a whiney computer who doesn't know that warlike Gandhi must die, and no nation should ever wave a pink banner!! Show the game who's boss, get all up in their biznass and say "Shut up and take it!'

          This is when you throw down.

          Who's next to you? If they're Gandhi, eliminate them. If they're Genghis, Kublai, or Montezuma consider them the b*$**** children of your empire and they need to be corrected by your swift justice!

          What's this cultural victory business? No wonder you're scoring so low, if I am going for a cultural victory, I beat my enemies to the ground so they are too scared to build the wonders I need for my victory

          Three good rules to follow
          1. Destroy
          2. Destroy
          3. Fake nice and then Destroy.

          Remember, AI only penalizes you for betrayal if the civ you betrayed was their friend, and anyone who would befriend that civ (get this) DOESN'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!!

          Hehe this was fun to write
          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


          • #6
            If you go for culture or space race, your score is gonna be low unless you have an extremely large empire. My scores have not been all that high but my top ten all come from domination, conquest, or diplo/domination games (highest was around 70K, most in the 30-40K range).

            The biggest factors will be land area and time of victory. Marathon is a good speed to maximize score since it is so much easier to achieve domination early. If you want a really high score try ending the game by around 1300-1400. Your score will easily be above 50K. On noble it shouldn't be too difficult. Set up a liberalism beeline to steel and you will kill everybody with ease. Just set all your cities to producing grenadiers and cannons. Upgrade your city raider macemen and axemen to grenadiers.

            Don't go crazy on building wonders/buildings, but go crazy building units. Build tons of axemen and catapults and take out as many neighbors as you can early. Then the endgame will be a cinch.


            • #7
              [QUOTE] Originally posted by Metaliturtle
              Kill lots people...

              Three good rules to follow
              1. Destroy
              2. Destroy
              3. Fake nice and then Destroy.[QUOTE]

              And I'm giving this guy a 13 hour ride to Apolycon?!?!?!
              Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
              1992-Perot , 1996-Perot , 2000-Bush , 2004-Bush :|, 2008-Obama :|, 2012-Obama , 2016-Clinton , 2020-Biden


              • #8
                [QUOTE] Originally posted by Donegeal
                [QUOTE] Originally posted by Metaliturtle
                Kill lots people...

                Three good rules to follow
                1. Destroy
                2. Destroy
                3. Fake nice and then Destroy.

                And I'm giving this guy a 13 hour ride to Apolycon?!?!?!
                26 hour round-trip

                I am a different person when I play CIV

                That reminds me though, I can't book my hotel room, have you had this problem?
                First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                • #9
                  It is quite possible to get Augustus playing peacefully, on maps with considerable scope for expansion, such as Highlands (with weird mountain ranges which confuse the AI), and any tiny islands style map where the human can spread like a disease.

                  I always score highly with Diplomatic victories, typically winning around 1950 with about 40-60% of the worlds population. This is mainly due to having extremely large cities, the AI is very bad at managing food and growth.

                  The most important thing is really always being big. Fast is fairly importnat too. The highest scores are for big and fast, the way to do that is by rampant warmongering, preferably with an organized warmonger like Tokugawa or Caesar.

                  The main thing to realize is that score is a measure of how convincing the victory was, rather than how difficult it was. If you just barely win, you get a low score. If you crush everything with ease you get a high score.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the peaceful solution Blake!
                    First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                    Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...

