1. How does the game determine exactly in which of my cities my religion is founded? It seems to be random. Is there some way to control it?
With regard to road building, I've also found that the route the computer picks will make longer roads. I think the computer wants to build the roads the fastest, and doesn't take into account that they may then require longer travel (the computer's road path often avoids deserts and forests, since the former increases the time of construction and the latter requires wasting a move to get into).
With respect to barbarians, very early in the game when you're just seeing barbarian warriors, and defending with your own warriors, you might want to let them get right up to the city before meeting them (unless there are improvements in their way or there's a forest/forested hill in their path you can get to). Barbarians get a penalty when attacking a city (20% or so on prince) AND a penalty for being barbarians, whereas warriors get a 25% bonus for defending a city AND up to 25% for fortifying. Even barbarian archers have crummy odds against warriors in those circumstances (2*(25+25%) vs 3*(-25%+-5%).