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Mouse Roll Over Problem

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  • Mouse Roll Over Problem

    Simply put, the mouse roll over doesn't always work for me.

    Less simply put and ignore if you don't want to read my ramblings:

    From my keyboard:
    At the beginning of a round it may or may not work. If it works it will work for the rest of the round. If it does not work it can be brought back by changing something in a city screen (I usually change the worker placement).

    However, it is annoying if an AI makes contact with me at the beginning of such a round and I can't check the state of relations until after the contact has been made - e.g. do I care enough for Alexander to break off trade with him at Hatshepsut's request?

    A minor problem but annoying none the less is getting a 'pick a new technology to research' prompt. I have hide pop ups selected, however, it can still happen that a new research choice is needed and I can't tell which technology to pick since the only way to do so (short of the tedious entering and exiting the civilopedia - note: this is not a bash against the civilopedia, I'd just rather not have to enter it on such an occasion). Off course a new technology can be chosen once I've gotten the roll over back again.
    I saw someone mentioning this as a problem back before the 1.52 patch was released and so assumed that it was a common thing and that a future patch would fix things. Two patches have since come and nothing has changed. I do note that it occurs more frequently in the late game so it may be a memory issue (but I'm no computer expert).
    LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.

  • #2
    It is one of those problems that are difficult to explain/fathom.

    Sometimes it is because the computer is expecting you to do something else in the game. Something you have tried to ignore. i.e. A unit flashes (active) you ignore it and click on another part of the map. You expect to see something different - but the game is waiting for you to do something else.

    It gets even more complicated when you have for instance multiple stacks in the same tile. Getting mouseovers to work then can sometimes be a nightmare.

    Annoying - yes : but sometimes, think about what was in the last active tile and change something, that may help you get back the mouseover you expected.

    Not great - but if it helps improve gameplay - go with what we have got.
    "What if somebody gave a war and nobody came?" Allen Ginsberg

    "Opinions are like arses, everyone has one." Anon


    • #3
      If mouse-over goes on strike, I click on a unit or city to restore it. Only a minor PITA (hemorrhoids are MUCH worse)!


      • #4
        I see this happen at the end of turns. Quite frequently actually. Thought it was something I was doing until reading this thread. Clicking on a city and closing it returns all functions. But until then I don't get troop information or terrain information. It's almost as annoying as someone on the Net whining about some minor part of their game interface. I do wish they would get it fixed, both the mouse roll-over and the whining.
        If you aren't confused,
        You don't understand.


        • #5
          I have found out that even the smallest of things work better with more ram, better cpu etc

          After upgrading to a new computer it is like a whole new game
          anti steam and proud of it

          CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be

