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How many Great People Points to create the next Great Person?

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  • How many Great People Points to create the next Great Person?

    This number seems to go up almost randomly each time a great person is produced. I know a GP produced in one of my cities will increase the GPP needed in ALL of my cities for the next GP, but the required points also seem to increase when someone ELSE gets a GP. So what is the formula for this?

    Note: It is possible that my costs are only increasing when someone else on my TEAM creates a GP. As an example, in a Quick speed game, I am producing great people at a very fast clip due to good terrain giving me a lot of wonders and strong production. My ally (teammate, specifically teamed together such that we share tech automatically, etc.) has created no great people so far and shows a requirement of 166 GPP to create one GP. I produce one more GP, and his cost jumps to 233. My cost at this point is somewhere around 350. (Values are approximate but close. I'd need to reload the game to check for sure.)

    Thanks in advance if anyone knows the exact formula. It seems to go up in some odd curve, not linearly. (First costs 100, then 125, then 166, then 233, then 350, or something. Very odd.)

  • #2
    The non-linear increase that you are experiencing is rather puzzling to me too. My experience is that the nth Great Person costs 100n GPP at Normal speed (50 at Quick speed, 150 at Epic speed, and 300 at Marathon speed).
    Those who live by the sword...get shot by those who live by the gun.


    • #3
      Either you're mixing up game speeds, or your "how many GP next" generator is drunk. It should be 100, 200, 300, ... , 1000, 1200, 1400, ... , 3000, 3300, ... or somthing like that. At the very least, its 100, 200, 300, ... for the first ten.

      Thats all on normal speed, quick is x0.67, epic is x1.5, and marathon is x3 from memory.

      Hrmmm, you might need extra GP points as part of a team. I think you need extra tech also.


      • #4
        The team thing might make it different. Usually it goes up by 100 (67, 150, 300) for the first 10, then by 200.
        At some point I guess it becomes 300, but I can't remember if I ever had that.


        • #5
          Yeah, that jives with what I've noticed in single player, but doing this co-op team game against the AI, I'm seeing some odd things. I'll pay closer attention and try to find out how the formula works in a team game. If I figure it out, I'll post here. Thanks all!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Xentropy
            Yeah, that jives with what I've noticed in single player, but doing this co-op team game against the AI, I'm seeing some odd things. I'll pay closer attention and try to find out how the formula works in a team game. If I figure it out, I'll post here. Thanks all!
            It seems to make sense to me. As a team you create GPs together so that (assuming you are on Quick speed) the prices for your combined GPs increases 67,133,200,267,300,367, ….


            • #7
              so for the first ten or so the gpp value required just doubles each time?

              i always like to make things super simple if possible. too many posts on these forums over complicate the issue


              • #8
                Originally posted by matthew_mccabe
                so for the first ten or so the gpp value required just doubles each time?

                i always like to make things super simple if possible. too many posts on these forums over complicate the issue
                Not really. There is a linear increase in the GPP requirement for the first 10 and then there are higher increases.


                • #9
                  So is it agreed that clinton's post is correct?



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by couerdelion
                    Not really. There is a linear increase in the GPP requirement for the first 10 and then there are higher increases.
                    Can these increases be changed, or are they hardcoded?
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
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