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Small 1.61 changes with big effects - GPP generation

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  • Small 1.61 changes with big effects - GPP generation

    If you're as civ-obsessed as me, you spend ages reading every single line of the Patch readme and trying to work out how each thing will alter the game.

    Like this one, which is the second-last change listed in the readme (hiding!):
    - Great person point generation from Wonders continues after Wonder has become obsolete

    I think this will make a large difference to how the game plays out:

    1 - Early wonders are now worth a lot more in the long run, because of the accumulated GPP points. Even thhe crappiest ancient wonders (Stonehenge, Colossus, Chtichen Itza, Lighthouse) still have some value, simply for GPP points.
    2 - It is now more viable to build your National Epic in a shield-rich position, rather than a solely food-rich position. Getting three or more ancient wonders built in a city will make a noticeable difference to your Great People production for the rest of the game. Come replaceable parts you can switch your mines to windmills and hopefully still max out on specialists.
    3 - Increased incidence of Great Prophets in the late game. At the moment, you have very few GPP in the modern era because the religious wonders expire and you stop creating priests (in favour of engineers, usually). But there will now be more of these around, which is probably not such a good thing.

    I think this is a pretty big change. IMHO, it's probably not as big a change as the forest chopping reduction (from 30 to 20 hammers pre-mathematics), but there's already half a dozen threads talking about that. Any other contenders for biggest gameplay change resulting from the patch?

  • #2
    Even before 1.61 early wonders would generate GPP even when the wonder expired I thought?


    • #3
      Ah, no, Silver, that's not correct.

      You might be confused because there are some ancient wonders that don't expire (Pyramids, for example). They keep working forever, so gave GPP the whole game.

      Also, culture production is unaffected by expiration - so that could be another source of confusion.

      But prior to 1.61, a Great Wonder that had expired (ie your Colossus with the advent of Astronomy) stops producing GPP. This can be checked fairly easily on any late-game save.


      • #4
        It did seem, that without even focusing on GPP, I got more of them in my last game... Washington is damn hard to beat in endgame, btw...
        I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"

