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Bad Incan starting point on 18 Civ Earth - intentional?

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  • Bad Incan starting point on 18 Civ Earth - intentional?

    When I hadn't had CIV for long, I tried the 1000AD scenario as the Incans, and was disappointed that they started out isolated on the west coast of South America by impassable mountains with a narrow strip of ground with 3 city sites. To expand, the Incans are required to research Sailing and send their settlers out on triremes, which is highly ahistorical, even for a Civ game.

    I decided to try the new 18-civ Huge Earth map that came with 1.61, and at first I was disappointed that this had not been fixed. This time I was ready, though, and nabbed Sailing in time to get a decent city up by the mountain that separates South America from North America that is able to handle the hordes of barbarians coming out of the Amazon jungle and should be able to hold off Monty once he sends some boats my way. I think this will be an interesting game, but I got to thinking about how much easier it would have been if I had unrestricted access to the entire South American continent from the beginning, and then I realized that this bad start might not be an oversight, but a balancing feature, just like that mountain that divides the panamanian peninsula and keeps Aztecs out of S.A. for a while.

    With Aggressive/Financial, Incans could easily grab the entire South American continent quickly, and with all those rivers one could cottage spam a huge tech advantage. The Incans are the one civlization that has an entire continent to themselves, and would probably dominate every 18-civ real-world game, which is quite a bit more ahistorical (and unfun) than being delayed from conquering the rest of S.A. for a bit.

  • #2
    The location is historically accurate. The problem is that in Civ 4, mountains are impassible. Maybe the Incan Settler units (but no other units) should be able to cross mountains?
    Those who live by the sword...get shot by those who live by the gun.


    • #3
      I think it is balance issues, just like Badtz says. There´s always going to be a compromise between historical accuracy and gameplay...
      I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


      • #4
        Maybe you guys can edit it so that it takes 4 movement turns to get over mountians, but all units can go.


        • #5
          Re: Bad Incan starting point on 18 Civ Earth - intentional?

          With Aggressive/Financial, Incans could easily grab the entire South American continent quickly, and with all those rivers one could cottage spam a huge tech advantage. The Incans are the one civlization that has an entire continent to themselves, and would probably dominate every 18-civ real-world game, which is quite a bit more ahistorical (and unfun) than being delayed from conquering the rest of S.A. for a bit.

          The wall is intended both to limit their expansion and to make them develop historically - on the western coast first

