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Closing the barn door . . .

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  • Closing the barn door . . .

    Has anyone seen this before? I have no idea how one posts a screenshot, so I tried to attach it.

    Some background - hearing so much about Julie and his Praets, I decided to try him out. The map put me next to Hatty and as soon as I got ironworking I trained a load of Praets and Spearmen and went to war. She had an archer guarding this pasture, which you can see is giving her 2F/3H/1C. Where are the horses?

    I have a later screenshot after dispatching Hatty that shows an empty pasture.

  • #2
    O.K., where is the attachment? I'm not doing very well here at all, am I.


    • #3
      Have you discovered Animal Husbandry yet?


      • #4
        shift + print screen and they will be in the Civ IV folder called screen shots

        next trick is getting them into the upload service provided above

        select browse
        pick the file
        click upload

        once all are done

        go to view
        select the one where its auto reduced to 800
        copy and paste into your thread
        anti steam and proud of it

        CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


        • #5
          Originally posted by Platypus Rex
          shift + print screen and they will be in the Civ IV folder called screen shots
          You only need to press Shift if you want to add a title to the screenshot. Just pressing Print Screen is all you really need.


          • #6
            Nacht is correct. Empty pasture means there are horses in it but you haven't discovered AH yet, so they're invisible.


            • #7
              Originally posted by uberfish
              Nacht is correct. Empty pasture means there are horses in it but you haven't discovered AH yet, so they're invisible.
              Yes, he is! 500 AD and I had not yet discovered AH. It's usually one of the first I research but as I said, this was my first time playing Rome and I was having fun bashing heads. I had beelined to Iron Working, then a few worker techs, then on to warmongering techs. I was happy with the way Praets were working out and did not want to spend the time for Horsebackriding, but figured I was going to need Cats before long.

              Another interesting thing -- although I took five cities from Hattie I never saw a chariot, which is her UU, and that just made me think more so that something was wrong with that pasture.

              All I can say is -- DOH!?!

              Meanwhile, Praets truly are awesome, and I'm having a good time. I am now beyond their usefulness, but I joined Monty when he asked and took three cities from Elizabeth, then shortly after that Napoleon declared on me, and shortly after that Monty declared on me. I had Napoleon to the east and I was able to beat back his assault and then take two cities from him before suing for peace and then turning my full attention to Monty.

              Monty is to my west and has been beating on me pretty seriously and managed to raze one of my cities, which only ticked me off. I have not sued for peace even though he will now speak to me, and am trying to put together a large army to do him some damage.

              This is the first Prince game I have been able to take the lead on.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Platypus Rex
                shift + print screen and they will be in the Civ IV folder called screen shots

                next trick is getting them into the upload service provided above

                select browse
                pick the file
                click upload

                once all are done

                go to view
                select the one where its auto reduced to 800
                copy and paste into your thread
                Thanks Platypus Rex, I will give it a try but not this time since I found that it was all due to my not researching AH.


                • #9
                  Hum, interesting way to deduce the presence of hidden resources. Perhaps either the next patch or the upcoming add-on will remove the look at improvements & tile yield to deduce presence of resources you don't have the tech for.
                  1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                  Templar Science Minister
                  AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by joncnunn
                    Hum, interesting way to deduce the presence of hidden resources. Perhaps either the next patch or the upcoming add-on will remove the look at improvements & tile yield to deduce presence of resources you don't have the tech for.
                    (shrug) Neah...even if you don't have animal husbandry, you should still be able to pillage and burn pastures, right?

