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Nerfed chop and the slingshot

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  • #16
    Originally posted by rjmatsleepers

    Classic CS Slingshot: Complete the Oracle just after discovering Code of Law and choose Bureaucracy as your free tech.

    Prophet assisted CS Slingshot: Use a Great Prophet to learn CoL and then take Bureaucracy as your free tech from the Oracle. This requires you not to learn masonary. Prophet points can come from early wonder (eg Stonehenge) or from specialist priests.
    High research is needed to get CoL, which is where a library and 2 scientists come in. The resulting Grt Sci can make an Academy in the capital which goes very nicely with the Civil Service civic (Bureaucracy).


    • #17
      CS => Civil Service the tech you actually choose

      Bureaucracy = the reason for doing a CS Slingshot


      • #18
        Originally posted by MadDjinn
        CS => Civil Service the tech you actually choose

        Bureaucracy = the reason for doing a CS Slingshot
        Well that, and the fact that you are halfway toward having Macemen at around 1200 BC
        "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

        Tony Soprano


        • #19
          Originally posted by MasterDave

          Well that, and the fact that you are halfway toward having Macemen at around 1200 BC
          Yep... the trick is to still be alive when you get them
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #20
            In multi-player the CS Slingshot isn't as important as getting to Feudalism first. As MP is more war oriented, getting your improvements up for your cities is far more important. 3 improved cities can be far more deadlier than just 2 cities where only your capital is the only decent city. Serfdom to improve your cities quicker and Vassalage to secure yourself militarily until you get Civil Service.

            Longbows are hard to knock out, whereas Macemen will still require other pre-requisite techs for you to build if you do the CS Slingshot.

