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Patch 1.61; no "Menu"

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  • Patch 1.61; no "Menu"

    I installed patch 1.61 and it behaves oddly.
    I lost my "topmenu".
    That is, all advisors, the mini worldmap, the scores table, the invention progress, my budget, that top layer etc is gone.

    What might have happended ?

    Next, i'll get the f...... intro from fireaxis again.
    Can't we skipp that.

  • #2
    Are you using any mods? Some XML files have changed with the patch, so if you do, this might break things. Try removing all mods, and adding them again one by one. Graphics replacements will probably work. In case of other mods you might have to wait for a new version.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • #3
      Maybe you've inadvertently hit the key that removes the overlay. (I'm unable to try or look it up at the moment, but it might have been "del".)


      • #4
        Originally posted by McRoos
        I installed patch 1.61 and it behaves oddly.
        I lost my "topmenu".
        That is, all advisors, the mini worldmap, the scores table, the invention progress, my budget, that top layer etc is gone.

        What might have happended ?
        If you had in any mods in your folders, they might now be broken due to the patch. Clear your Custom Assets folders. If that doesn't work, uninstall/reinstall the game with the patch. Many people with some minor issues are reporting starting from scratch fixes them.

        Next, i'll get the f...... intro from fireaxis again.
        Can't we skipp that.
        There's now a line in the ini file that allows you to turn off the intro movie, while leaving the others alone.


        • #5
          I have a similar problem, though to be fair this happened before the patch as well. When loading the Greek World mod that arrived with the game, I receive an error telling me that there was a problem loading the interface.

          The game loads perfectly, but there is no interface whatsoever. I haven't touched the files so I don't know how this has happened, but I'd love a solution if any of you wonderful people have suggestions.

