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1.61Patch out!

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  • #31
    SDK and pitboss won't be needed unless you plan to use them.
    Most likely your SP games will be fine.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


    • #32
      It seems that there are a few more downloads in Firaxis' website: SDK examples, low-res movies etc.


      • #33
        As well as tools for 3D Max.
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #34
          I downloaded 1.61 and ran it. Patch finished successfully.
          I downloaded Pitboss.exe and ran it - failed to execute because some required file was not found.

          Tried to run Civ4 - several error messages appeared during the Init Python startup screen. The first reads:

          Failed Loading XML file xml/text/civ4gametextinfo.xml [.\FXml.cpp:133] Error parsing XML File -
          File: xml\text\civ4gametextinfos.xml
          Reason: Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported.
          Line: 1, 44
          Source: ?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?

          Restarted and the game is still unplayable. (Text lines are appearing as variables)
          I keep a record of all my civ games here.

          aÅ¡tassi kammu naklu Å¡a Å¡umeri ṣullulu akkadû ana Å¡utēÅ¡uri aÅ¡ṭu
          "I am able to read texts so sophisticated that the Sumerian is obscure and the Akkadian hard to explain" (King Assurbanipal of Assyria 7th century BC)


          • #35
            Originally posted by MadDjinn
            and representation is a little less desirable... (though, who uses it for the + Happy anyways?)
            It's also Medium Upkeep now, whereas Monarchy is now Low. That is a dramatic shift.

            A change that was not mentioned is that not only is the hammer yield from pre-Mathematics chopping down 33%, but the actual chopping takes 50% more worker turns.

            I can see pre-chopping many forests down to only having 1 turn left, but not actually completing the chops till after mathematics (probably for Great Library) as being more effective now, especially for India.
            Last edited by Gherald; April 13, 2006, 14:42.


            • #36
              Originally posted by fed1943
              Please,tell me:
              I downloaded from the link in the first post. It seems I didn't download the SDK and PitBoss.Is that?
              And (as I keep knowing nothing of computers)must I do it?
              And about my current games (SP) may I keep playing them?
              My thanks in advance.
              Best regards,
              your sp games should move onto the new patch easily

              the pbems have gone well so far. save bouncing between McMeadows and I easily. I Have noticed that they have changed the naming convention of the save file...

              Hotseat games transition was smooth as well
              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
              I am of the Horde.


              • #37
                Let me first preface this with, I haven't done computer programming since Turbo C++ 4.5 for windows 3.11 So I stand before you without much knowledge. My question is I want to do a little editing in the SDK what version of C++ do I need? and how much is this going to cost me?
                As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
                - Voltaire


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                  The SDK largely compiles, I get 1 error and 615 warnings. Firaxis using deprecated functions, how reactionary... (There you have your complaint Zoid )

                  The error says "error C2665: 'boost::python::detail::make_getter' : none of the 3 overloads could convert all the argument types" - I'll check what that is.
                  Compiling went fine for me

                  Game ran fine using my own compiled version of the DLL.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by greenday_234
                    Let me first preface this with, I haven't done computer programming since Turbo C++ 4.5 for windows 3.11 So I stand before you without much knowledge. My question is I want to do a little editing in the SDK what version of C++ do I need? and how much is this going to cost me?
                    I used Visual Studio 2003


                    • #40
                      I'm not sure if I like what they've done with the continents script. Just get two big landmasses and that’s it, no smaller continents no islands at all. Custom continents and Island scripts still look retarded an unnatural.


                      • #41
                        Not to be repetative but...


                        How hard can this be?!?

                        Well, I'm gonna check out the SDK and see if I can mod it in.

                        Tom P.

                        Edit: I kept playing and reloading and the yield display stayed on but the button state didn't save so it changed to "Off".

                        Oh, and "Zoom Level" apparently dosn't save either.
                        Last edited by padillah; April 13, 2006, 15:40.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Nacht
                          Compiling went fine for me

                          Game ran fine using my own compiled version of the DLL.
                          The project is built with a slightly aged VC++.

                          I have a new VC++, which defaults on warnings for deprecated functions. I can turn that off easily.

                          What concerns the error, it's caused by a template enclosed into a macro, which creates an error for compilers with _MSC_VER > 1300. My _MSC_VER is 1400. I can try to just change the number, maybe it compiles then. If not, I'll find a way around.


                          • #43
                            I just patched and soon shall see how it fares as well
                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Nacht
                              I used Visual Studio 2003
                              I have that at work, could do the compiling there. At home I use VC++ 2005 Express (the free DL), which has a new compiler in it.

                              EDIT: screw it, I forgot I have 3 weeks vacation... I hate having vacation!


                              • #45
                                For the Python coders, a list of changes to the Python API from v152 to v1.61 (many thanks to Solver; without his help this list would not have been possible):

                                • In CvGameText:
                                  added int getNumLanguages()

                                • In CvProjectInfo:
                                  added int getAnyoneProjectPrereq()
                                • In CvTechInfo:
                                  added int getFeatureProductionModifier()

                                • In CyCamera:
                                  added void ReleaseLockedCamera()

                                • In CyCity:
                                  added void addProductionExperience(CyUnit, bool)
                                  modified bool canContinueProduction(Orderdata): added OrderData argument
                                  modified void chooseProduction(UnitType, BuildingType, ProjectType, bool, bool): added bool argument (bFront)
                                  added int conscriptMinCityPopulation()
                                  added int findPopulationRank()
                                  added int flatConscriptAngerLength()
                                  added ArtStyleType getArtStyleType()
                                  added CitySizeType getCitySizeType()
                                  added int getConscriptPopulation()
                                  added int getCurrAirlift()
                                  added int getDomainFreeExperience(Domaintype)
                                  added int getDomainProductionModifier(Domaintype)
                                  added int getExtraProductionDifference(int)
                                  added int getFeatureBadHappiness()
                                  added int getFeatureGoodHappiness()
                                  added int getFoodKept()
                                  added int getFreePromotionCount(PromotionType)
                                  added int getLargestHappiness()
                                  added int getMaxAirLift()
                                  added int getMaxFoodKeptPercent()
                                  added int getNumBuildings()
                                  added int getNumNationalWonders()
                                  added int getNumTeamWonders()
                                  added int getNumWorldWonders()
                                  modified int getProduction(): now returns int (was bool)
                                  added int getProductionExperience(UnitType)
                                  added CyPlot getRallyPlot()
                                  added int getTotalGreatPeopleRateModifier()
                                  added getUnitCombatFreeExperience(UnitCombatType)
                                  removed int getVisibleDefenseModifier()
                                  added bool isAirliftTargeted()
                                  bool isBuildingsMaxed()
                                  added bool isDrafted()
                                  added bool isEverOwned()
                                  added bool isFreePromotion(PromotionType)
                                  added bool isNationalWondersMaxed()
                                  added bool isProductionLimited()
                                  added bool isSpecialistForced()
                                  added bool isTeamWondersMaxed()
                                  added bool isWorldWondersMaxed()
                                  added void setAirliftTargeted(int)
                                  added void setBombarded(int)
                                  added void setDrafted(int)
                                  added void setFood(int)
                                  added void setNeverLost(int)

                                • In CyGame:
                                  renamed bool GetWorldBuilderMode() from GetWorldBuilder2Mode()
                                  added int calculateOptionsChecksum()
                                  added bool canTrainNukes()
                                  added void cityPushOrder(CyCity, OrderType, int, bool, bool, bool)
                                  added int countHumanPlayersAlive()
                                  added int countHumanPlayersEverAlive()
                                  added int countTotalCivPower()
                                  added int countTotalNukeUnits()
                                  added void cycleCities(bool, bool)
                                  added bool cyclePlotUnits(CyPlot, bool, bool, int)
                                  added void cycleSelectionGroups(bool, bool, bool)
                                  added int getForceCivicCount(CivicType)
                                  added GameStateType getGameState()
                                  added int getImprovementUpgradeTime(ImprovementType)
                                  added int getNumDeals()
                                  added int getPitbossTurnTime()
                                  added int getPlayerVote(PlayerType)
                                  added int getProductionPerPopulation(HurryType)
                                  added int getProjectCreatedCount(ProjectType)
                                  added int getVoteOutcome(VoteType)
                                  added int goldenAgeLength()
                                  added bool hasSkippedSaveChecksum()
                                  added bool isForceCivic(CivicType)
                                  added bool isFOrceCivicOption(CivicOptionType)
                                  added bool isHotSeat()
                                  added bool isPbem()
                                  added bool isPitboss()
                                  added bool isProjectMaxedOut(ProjectType)
                                  added bool isSpecialBuildingValid(SpecialBuildingType)
                                  added bool isVoteTriggered(VoteType)
                                  added void makeSpecialBuildingValid(SpecialBuildingType)
                                  added void reviveActivePlayer()
                                  added void saveReplay(int)
                                  added void selectedCitiesGameNetMessage(int, int, int, int, bool, bool, bool, bool)
                                  added void selectionlistMove(CyPlot, bool, bool, bool)
                                  added void selectionlistMove(CyPlot, bool, bool, bool)

                                • In Cyinterface:
                                  added void clearSelectionlist()
                                  added void insertintoSelectionlist(CyUnit, bool, bool, bool, bool)
                                  removed bool noMovies()
                                  added void removeFromSelectionUnit(CyUnit)
                                  removed void removeSelectedCity(CyCity)
                                  added int selectionHotKeyUnit(int)

                                • In CyMap:
                                  added void resetPathDistance()

                                • In CyMessageControl:
                                  removed void sendEmphasize(list, list, list, int)

                                • In CyPlayer:
                                  added int calculateResearchModifier(TechType)
                                  modified void chooseTech(int, string, bool): added bool argument (bFront)
                                  added int getBuildingClassCountPlusMaking(BuildingClassType)
                                  added int getCapitalCommerceRateModifier(CommerceType)
                                  added int getFeatureHappiness(FeatureType)
                                  added int getFeatureProductionModifier()
                                  added int getGoldPerTurnByPlayer(PlayerType)
                                  added int getImprovementUpgradeRateModifier()
                                  added int getLargestCityHappiness()
                                  added int getMilitaryProductionModifier()
                                  added string getNewCityName()
                                  removed CivicType getNextCivics(CivicOptionType)
                                  added int getNumNukeUnits()
                                  added int getPersonalityType()
                                  added int getSingleCivicUpkeep(CivicType, bool)
                                  added int getSpecialBuildingNotRequiredCount(SpecialBuilding Type)
                                  added int getStateReligionFreeExperience()
                                  added int getTotalLandScored()
                                  added int getUnitClassCountPlusMaking(UnitClassType)
                                  added int getWinsVsBarbs()
                                  added bool isCurrentResearchOption()
                                  added bool isExtendedGame()
                                  added bool isLateEra()
                                  added bool isNoForeignTrade()
                                  added bool isNonStateReligionSpread()
                                  added bool isNoResearchAvailable()
                                  added bool isSpecialBuildingNotRequired(SpecialBuildingType)
                                  added bool isSpecialistValid(SpecialistType)
                                  added void popResearch(TechType)
                                  added void setPersonalityType(LeaderHeadType)

                                • In CyPlot:
                                  modified int calculateImprovementYieldChange(ImprovementType, YieldType, PlayerType, bool): PlayerType was TeamType
                                  added int calculateTeamCulturePercent(TeamType)
                                  added int calculateYield(YieldType, bool)
                                  added bool canHavePotentialIrrigation()
                                  added void changeForceUnownedTimer(int)
                                  added int changeImprovementDuration(int)
                                  added int changeOwnershipDuration(int)
                                  modified int defenseModifier(bool, bool): added bool argument (bHelp)
                                  added int getCityRadiusCOunt()
                                  added int getForceUnownedTimer()
                                  added int getImprovementDuration()
                                  added int getNonObsoleteBonusType(TeamType)
                                  added int getOwnershipDuration()
                                  added int getPlayerCityRadiusCount(PlayerType)
                                  added int getStolenVisibilityCount(TeamType)
                                  added int getUpgradeTimeLeft(ImprovementType, PlayerType
                                  added bool isActiveVisible(bool)
                                  added bool isBestAdjacentFound(PlayerType)
                                  added int isCityRadius()
                                  added bool isFlagDirty()
                                  added int isForceUnowned()
                                  added int isOwnershipScore()
                                  added bool isPlayerCityRadius(PlayerType)
                                  added bool isPotentialCityWork()
                                  added bool isRiverConnection(DirectionType)
                                  added bool isWithinteamCityRadius(TeamType, PlayerType)
                                  added void nukeExplosion(int, CyUnit)
                                  added void setFlagDirty(bool)
                                  added void setForceUnowned(int)
                                  added int setImprovementDuration(int)
                                  added int setOwnershipDuration(int)

                                • In CySelectionGroup:
                                  added bool alwaysInvisible()
                                  added bool canDointerfaceMod(interfaceModeType, CyPlot)
                                  added bool canEnterTerritory(TeamType, bool)
                                  modified ActivityType getActivityType(): was int getActivityType(ActivityType)
                                  modified AutomateType getAutomateType(): was int getAutomateType(AutomateType)
                                  added bool hasCargo()
                                  added bool isAmphibPlot(CyPlot)
                                  added bool isFull()
                                  added bool isWaiting()
                                  added void setActivityType(ActivityType)

                                • In CyTeam:
                                  added int countEnemyDangerByArea(CyArea)
                                  added int countEnemyPowerByArea(CyArea)
                                  added int countNumAIUnitsByArea(CyArea, UnitAIType)
                                  added int countNumUnitsByArea(CyArea)
                                  added int countTotalPopulationByArea(CyArea)
                                  added int getBuildingClassCountPlusMaking(BuildingClassType)
                                  added int getChosenWarCount(bool)
                                  added int getDefensivePactCount()
                                  added int getDefensivePower()
                                  added int getHasReligionCount(ReligionType)
                                  added int getNumNukeUnits()
                                  added int getResearchLeft(TechType)
                                  added int getSecretaryID(PlayerType)
                                  added int getUnitClassCountPlusMaking(UnitClassTypes)
                                  added int getWarPlanCount(WarPlanType, bool)

                                • In CyTranslator:
                                  added string stripHTML(string)

                                • In CyUnit:
                                  added int airBombBaseRate()
                                  added int airBombardCurrRate()
                                  added int airCombatDamage(CyUnit)
                                  added int airCombatLimit()
                                  added FLOAT airCurrCombatStrFloat()
                                  added FLOAT airMaxCombatStrFloat()
                                  added int animalCombatModifier()
                                  added CyUnit bestinterceptor(CyPlot)
                                  added bool canAirBomb()
                                  added bool canAirBombAt(CyPlot, int, int)
                                  added bool canAirlift(CyPlot)
                                  added bool canAirliftAt(CyPlot, int, int)
                                  added bool canBuildRoute()
                                  added bool canCargoAllMove()
                                  added bool canDefend(CyPlot)
                                  modified bool canHeal(CyPlot): added CyPlot argument
                                  added bool
                                  modified bool canPatrol(CyPlot): added CyPlot argument
                                  added bool canRecon()
                                  added bool canReconAt(CyPlot, int, int)
                                  modified bool canSentry(CyPlot): added CyPlot argument
                                  added bool canSiege(TeamType)
                                  added bool canStealPlans(CyPlot, bool)
                                  added int cityAttackModifier()
                                  added int cityDefenseModifier
                                  added int collateralDamageMaxUnits()
                                  added void convert(CyUnit)
                                  added int currFirepower(CyPlot, CyUnit)
                                  added int domainModifier(Domaintype)
                                  added int featureDefenseModifier(FeatureType)
                                  added bool generatePath(CyPlot, int, bool, int)
                                  added int getDiscoverResearch(TechType)
                                  added int getExtraCityAttackPercent()
                                  added int getExtraCityDefensePercent()
                                  added int getExtraCombatPercent()
                                  added int getExtraDomainModifier()
                                  added int getExtraFeatureDefensePercent()
                                  added int getExtraHillsDefensePercent()
                                  added int getExtraTerrainDefensePercent()
                                  added int getExtraUnitCombatModifier()
                                  added int getGameTurnCreated()
                                  added int getMaxHurryPopulation(CyCity)
                                  added CyPlot getPathEndTurnPlot()
                                  added int hillsDefenseModifier()
                                  added bool ignoreTerrainCost()
                                  added bool isAttacking()
                                  added bool isAutomated()
                                  added bool isCombat()
                                  added bool isDefending()
                                  added bool isFighting()
                                  added bool isFortifyable()
                                  added bool isFound()
                                  added bool isInvestigate()
                                  added bool isMadeinterception()
                                  added bool isNeverInvisble()
                                  added bool isNukeVictim(CyPlot, TeamType)
                                  added void setMadeinterception
                                  added int stealPlanCost(CyPlot)
                                  added int stealPlanProb(CyPlot, ProbabilityType)
                                  added int terrainDefenseModifier(Terraintype)
                                  added int unitClassAttackModifier(UnitClassType)
                                  added int unitClassDefenseModifier(UnitClassType)
                                  added int unitCombatModifier(UnitCombatType)

                                • In PBGameSetupData:
                                  added bool getVictory(int)
                                  added int iCityElimination
                                  added int iMaxTurns
                                  added int iNumVictories

                                • In PBPlayerAdminData:
                                  added bool bTurnActive

                                Disclaimer: this list may not be 100% complete, specifically there may be some functions which in v1.52 were not documented that have had their arguments changed. If you suddenly get any 'Python argument types in {x} did not match C++ signature: {y}' on any of your pre-v1.61 scripts, you probably found a function of which the arguments changed

                                The Python API reference on this site will be updated later today or tomorrow, I need to get some other paperwork done first.
                                Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

