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0% Roman, why isn't it Chinese yet?

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  • 0% Roman, why isn't it Chinese yet?

    Anyone seen anything like this happen to them?

  • #2
    happens to me all the time. Not quite sure how the system works, but I suspect there is a certain number of turns you have to wait before it flips. I suspect it also depends upon the number of tiles the city currently controls.
    As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
    - Voltaire


    • #3
      The number of units in the city makes a difference as well.
      I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


      • #4
        Originally posted by greenday_234
        happens to me all the time. Not quite sure how the system works, but I suspect there is a certain number of turns you have to wait before it flips. I suspect it also depends upon the number of tiles the city currently controls.
        You mean the number of tiles friendly (i.e. same cultural influence) to the city that are adjecent to it?
        (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
        (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
        (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


        • #5
          You conquer someone else's city, and initially it is ALWAYS 0% yours. An exception may be when that "someone else" no longer exists (their last city is taken).


          • #6

            Using the formula from that thread:

            City Strength = 1 + ((1 + Highest Size + (Owned Plots * Era Index)) * Culture Percent) / 100

            We can calculate city cultural strength (assuming the city was never larger than 2 and the average Era is Ancient):

            City Strength = 1 + ((1 + 2 + (4 * 1)) * 100) / 100 = 8

            The total cultural garrison of 1 Archer and 1 Axeman is also 8, as both have a value of 4. Since the city cultural strength needs to be higher than the total cultural garrison strength for it to even be possible to flip a city, this city will never flip as it is.

            However, that's assuming either of these two scenarios is the case:
            1) Buddhism is NOT Rome's state religion (which it is probably IS) and also not China's state religion.
            2) Buddhism is the state religion of both Rome and China.

            If Buddhism is Rome's religion but not China's, that halves the city culture strength, meaning it only has a strength of 4. Then a flip is completely out of the question.

            To counter-act the religious effect, you (assuming you're China) need to spread your own state religion to that city, convince Ceasar to adopt something else as his state religion or convert to Buddhism yourself (if you aren't already). Any one of these things will remove or cancel out Ceasar's religion bonus (assuming he has it). If you can make sure Ceasar has a different state religion AND you either have Buddhism yourself or you can spread your own state religion to the city (which should be different from whatever alternative you talk Ceasar into), you can both negate Ceasar's religion bonus AND get the bonus yourself, which would make the city culture strength 2*8 = 16 -- then it won't be too long before it flips (1/10 * (16-8)/16 = 1/20, so it would take in theory 40 turns to flip).

            Besides that, you can do two other things to make this city flip: make sure most the civs in the game are in the Classical Era by researching and giving away Classical techs (on the tech tree the first 3 columns are Ancient, from the fourth column (Writing/Metal Casting/Iron Working) onwards you enter the Classical Era). Or you can make sure you control more than 4 plots neighbouring the city by expanding your borders near it (found a new city or use a Great Artist -- or both). Since you already have 100% Culture the effects of even minor changes will be considerable -- in the short term you should theoretically be able to get the city cuture strength up to 20 (1 + ((1 + 2 + (8 * 2)) * 100) / 100), enough to offset any religious effects and make it flip in about 100 turns in the worst case scenario (50 if your state religion is present in the city).

            Of course, all of this assumes Rome doesn't do anything to defend the city. Getting/keeping his state religion and 1 extra unit there would make it neigh impossible for this city to flip in the foreseeable future.
            Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jaybe
              You conquer someone else's city, and initially it is ALWAYS 0% yours. An exception may be when that "someone else" no longer exists (their last city is taken).
              Well that's been theirs since they have founded it...


              • #8
                What is "cultural garrison"? I often conquer cities and no culture is produced even with units in them.


                • #9
                  This is not even a noteworthy example here. Its not uncommon to control the entire radius around the city. So they have nowhere to turn for food even and the population falls to 1. But if there's a large military garrison, they can hold out for a long long time.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Older than Dirt
                    What is "cultural garrison"? I often conquer cities and no culture is produced even with units in them.
                    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                    • #11
                      Well as you can see, they only had 2, not even good at the time (I think the best of the time was Longbowman/Cho-Ko-Nu) military units in the city.

