Since my computer refuses to properly run Civilisation 4 my cIV games have been, few and far betwene. Last night I noticed that when destroying a civilisation, that all of my coqured lands sudenly turned "100% Roman".
Tell me how many nations go "poof" after they are conquerd. As I remember the real Romans needed centurys to asimilate their conquerd lands.
Please, remind me when the US army defeated Sadma Hussein, did all the Iraqies go "pof" and where instantley replaced by Americains and did they stop "rioting". In a C3C game I was playing Persia and early in my history I conquerd the Babilonians it was nice, to see a tiny minority survive to 2000 ( well they where slaves-captured workers that repopulated a city of mine ,the "real" babs where all asimilated in a milenia cca 1300 AD ).
The real point of this thread is that many of us would like scenarios where we have to run multie-ethnic empires. It's just silly to see an Age of Imperialism mod where india is 100% British or an Africa populated only by caucasians. And I dont want to bother creating civs I don't need and the conqering them.
I WANT and NEED a nation painter tool. You type in the name of your desired ethnic group and it apears with all the "civilised" ethnic groups. You select wich one you want, a paint-brush apears and you press it over cities to increase the procentage of the people in question ( without changing the total population ). And a more precise version wich allows you to type in the exact ethnic mix of the city regardless of culture. Combine with civics that change the assimilation rate and hapines of ethnic minorities ( fast asimilation- represion-unhappines and slow assimilation-multicultural enviroment-less unhapines ) and you have the potential to create realy interesting scenarios that are historicaly accurate (or at least plausible) and include interesting strategical decisions.
Tell me how many nations go "poof" after they are conquerd. As I remember the real Romans needed centurys to asimilate their conquerd lands.
Please, remind me when the US army defeated Sadma Hussein, did all the Iraqies go "pof" and where instantley replaced by Americains and did they stop "rioting". In a C3C game I was playing Persia and early in my history I conquerd the Babilonians it was nice, to see a tiny minority survive to 2000 ( well they where slaves-captured workers that repopulated a city of mine ,the "real" babs where all asimilated in a milenia cca 1300 AD ).
The real point of this thread is that many of us would like scenarios where we have to run multie-ethnic empires. It's just silly to see an Age of Imperialism mod where india is 100% British or an Africa populated only by caucasians. And I dont want to bother creating civs I don't need and the conqering them.
I WANT and NEED a nation painter tool. You type in the name of your desired ethnic group and it apears with all the "civilised" ethnic groups. You select wich one you want, a paint-brush apears and you press it over cities to increase the procentage of the people in question ( without changing the total population ). And a more precise version wich allows you to type in the exact ethnic mix of the city regardless of culture. Combine with civics that change the assimilation rate and hapines of ethnic minorities ( fast asimilation- represion-unhappines and slow assimilation-multicultural enviroment-less unhapines ) and you have the potential to create realy interesting scenarios that are historicaly accurate (or at least plausible) and include interesting strategical decisions.