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How do you make aliences?

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  • How do you make aliences?

    I could never make aliences with other countries, can anyone help me how to do this? I would like to start a world war, or something

    Thanks, Appriciate it

  • #2
    You need to start a custom game and enable the option "Permanent Alliances."
    (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
    (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
    (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


    • #3

      but I already knew about this. is that the only way? cant you do it in the game, and then maybe break the alience, and then joine another one, (just like the AI does)?

      I like to start the middle ages senerio and then go from there. can you make the aliences there? WWI? WWII? maybe even your own WWIII, WWIV, WWV.....

      Thanks, Apriciate it.


      • #4
        You mean like Defensive Pacts? I think you need Military Tactics for that, and if you can get a Civ to sign a pact with you, you still can't start a world war, since these pacts are cancelled when you attack someone. Those you have a pact with will declare war on anyone who attacks you (and you'll declare war on anyone that attacks your pact-friends), but short of bribing a Civ to attack your ally, or somehow coax someone to attack you, you can't start the war yourself.


        • #5
          You need bargaining power to suck the AI into an alliance (although they will sometimes do it for free if they really like you). Give them a tech or two for them to fight a war and you will have your alliance. Once the two of you gang up on someone, other civs will be more likely to join in.

          You cannot simply start the game at a given era and expect to gain an alliance right off the bat. You need good diplomatic relations and lots of money or tech. You may be able to set some kind of locked alliance in the custom game, but I don't remember this being an option. Besides, if you do this, you will not be able to break the alliance and join another one.


          • #6
            Could you guys expand on this?

            I saw other Civs, Rome and Germany, make alliance with each other (they had a blue line connecting them) so I attacket one of them, and the other went to war with me as well (ofcores I destroyed them both, but thats only because it was on an easy level. ). Anyway, I want something like this to be in lots of countries, including in mine, so that a lot of Civs would go to war at the same time. And about the thing that you said - pay them off - I tried this, and they did go to war, be we were no in an alliance, not like Rome and Germany in the middle ages, I did not have that blue line signaling that we were in an alliance.

            Appriciate it.


            • #7
              In my most recent game (Perm. Alliances enabled), I was on a continent with two other civs, and there were three civs each with its own island. Late in the game, the middle civ on my continent signed an alliance with one of the island nations. On the next turn I got the other civ on the other side of my continent (so we were on either side of the middle, more powerful civ - too bad I had no army to wage war with ). Before that turn, though, my future ally wouldn't sign an alliance with me. So clearly there is some power-balance issue that will make the AI more receptive to an alliance. I've also found that if you're friends with one of the smallest civs they're a lot more likely to want an alliance.

              Also, you need to have a defensive pact or share a war with a civ before they will sign an alliance. And of course they need to like you to some degree.

              EDIT: I forgot this, but i thought it was interesting and on topic: late in the game the remaining two island nations nations signed an alliance, even though they were enemies for most of the game. I thought this was very interesting, and I think that means the AI will make strategic decisions to balance power.


              • #8
                Originally posted by PaganPaulwhisky
                You may be able to set some kind of locked alliance in the custom game, but I don't remember this being an option. Besides, if you do this, you will not be able to break the alliance and join another one.
                Can you? How?
                "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
                Check out my Blog!


                • #9
                  See my second post, above.
                  (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                  (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                  (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                  • #10
                    In the custom game screen there is a dropdown menu on the left that has a number. Presumably this is for setting teams - can anyone verify how that works? I could see it being used in multiplayer moreso than single.


                    • #11
                      How do you set up deffensive packs?

                      Thanks, Appriciate it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MPower
                        How do you set up deffensive packs?
                        Research Military Tradition, and then you can sign a defensive pact with another civ so long as you're not at war with anyone. You can sign as many defensive pacts as you want, but remember you can only ally with one other civ per game.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SandMonkey
                          In the custom game screen there is a dropdown menu on the left that has a number. Presumably this is for setting teams - can anyone verify how that works? I could see it being used in multiplayer moreso than single.

                          Just have the same number if you want to be on their team, and you can have more than 1 team, teams are like perm. Alliances. Pretty sure...
                          "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
                          Check out my Blog!

