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Difficulty Levels

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  • Difficulty Levels

    Sorry, I know that it is laid out somewhere because I have read it before but I have not been able to find the post (I did search). Can someone point me to a post that sets forth the differences at each difficulty level? To be a bit more clear, the bonuses the AI gets at higher levels and bonuses the player gets at lower levels?

    The would go a long way to clearing my confusion.


  • #2
    The information you are looking for is contained in the file named "Civ4HandicapInfo.xml" which is located in the Assets/XML/GameInfo folder. Most of it is self-explanatory. I have only glanced through the file without making notes, so I hope I'm excused from making more helpful, but unreliable comments.


    • #3
      more helpful, but unreliable comments.
      Well, you leave me with quite a hobson's choice here. . .

      But, seriously, your reply would be very helpful if I could manage to find the file. When I go to the suggested directory it is empty. In fact all of the sub-directories in the xml directory are empty. I am no expert at this sort of thing, but it seems somehow wrong to me that they should be empty. I am sure I am doing something not quite correctly.


      • #4
        Do you have the type of files set right?
        Mine selects a type for me, but I make it into All Documents, then I can find it.
        Hope I've been some help

        "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
        Check out my Blog!


        • #5
          Yes, thank you, I know what you mean but I do not see any files in the directory.


          • #6
            Originally posted by cynyck
            Yes, thank you, I know what you mean but I do not see any files in the directory.
            There should be a lot of files in that directory. (By which I mean I have a lot of files in that directory that were put there during the game installation.) The file mentioned by Verrucosus seems to contain (among other things) some XML that influences the results from popping a goodie hut. I'm surprised that the game runs without it. On the other hand, since all the files end in "info", perhaps the game can function without them.

            Anyway, if these folders are really empty (as opposed to the contents not being visible) I suspect you should reinstall the game.

            If you simply want to look at the contents of those files, there is a thread entitled original XML in the creation section which has a link to them.

            RJM at Sleeper's
            Fill me with the old familiar juice


            • #7
              Originally posted by cynyck
              Yes, thank you, I know what you mean but I do not see any files in the directory.
              Your looking in the wrong place. The folders you're looking at are your Custom Assets folders. You need to look at the main folders in the directory where you installed the game itself.


              • #8
                Here is the old thread anyway.

                - Cal
                "He [Caligula] has no more chance of becoming Emperor than of riding a horse across the Gulf of Baiae" - contemporary astrologer


                • #9
                  Thank you Caligula, for the re-direct.

                  Willem - You are correct. I checked the properties for my desktop shortcut and found that there is a Civ 4 directory in my C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator directory. But, oddly enough, in my haste I found another empty directory. I then checked more closely, and a third Civ 4 directory existed, not in the "My Games" directory where the other two were (one in the desktop "My Documents" directory and the other in the directory above), but in an "Application Data" sub-directory of the directory above. I wonder how many other empty Civ 4 directories are on my machine and why.

                  In any event, the short story is that I found it. Thank you for your help.

