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Can Somebody Explain the Scoring....

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  • Can Somebody Explain the Scoring....

    system and how it relates to the different types of victories?

    Briefly, I have searched the forums and can't find a detailed description on how the end of game score is calculated, particularly playing different size maps and different game lengths. On my first win (which was simply a time victory on a custom quick game on a small map) I had the Dan Quayle low score rating at the end even though I won a five player game and almost had the diplomatic victory. A friend of mine who gets to play more than me has told me he either gets the highest or lowest rating and nothing in between. I would be happy to follow a link if someone knows of a detailed review or strategy article that discusses game ratings and final game score in general.

    Thanks in advance

    P.S. Since I have never won a cultural or diplmatic victory I haven't seen any kind of movie at the end of the game. I assume they are there if the human wins, right? I think they should be an shown even if the AI wins.

  • #2
    1. I don't know the way the score is calculated but the only real way I've seen to get a nice ranking is though conquest. I think it must be something like score/turn, so you've got to win early to get a nice ranking. Since you cannot build the spaceship or win culturally early, you must win by conquest. The only game I got a good rating was a conquest win.

    2. Yes, there are movies. There's movies for domination, culture and the spaceship. I presume there is a movie for diplomatic victories, but I never won that way.


    • #3
      Originally posted by drsparnum
      I presume there is a movie for diplomatic victories, but I never won that way.
      There isn't.


      • #4
        What a jip.


        • #5
          But there's this really exciting screen with all the AI avatars in a circle around yours! My loins get moist just thinking about how exciting it is. Oh yeah.



          • #6
            I have gotten the hightest ranking on Domination, Diplomatic and Space Ship victories. I have not on Culture since I only go for that a bit too late. I have yet to try from the begining to get a culture win. The only way I see to get a conquest victory is to turn off Domination.


            • #7
              Thanks for the info

              I guess what I was driving at was my wanting a description of how the end game ranking is determined. Since I play nearly all my games so far on small maps it might be impossible to get a good ranking if it is largely dependent on population for example.

              I guess it would necessarily have to take into account the game length (epic vs. normal, etc.), difficulty level, etc. It seems like it should even take into account how many AIs there are since (for example) playing with 6 AIs on a small map would make a diplomatic or domination victory very hard.

              Sure wish they had more videos though, even if low-res. i really loved those advisors on Civ2


              • #8
                Land area seems to be the biggest factor in score calcuations. When I play as a creative civ I always have much larger scores than the remaining civs due to quick border expansions. Finish time also seems to be a big factor. If you dominate or conquer really early then your score will be huge (although I have not done this yet, my earliest was 1700 which netted me 27000 a rather low high score compared to what I've read in other posts).

                I'm also a little dissapointed with the movies, The wonder movies aren't very impressive. The old civ2 wonder movies were way better and had really cool music too. The endgame movies are lame too with the exception of the conquest ending. Fortunately, this is one of the few minor defects in the game.


                • #9
                  You might find the information you are looking for in the following threads:

                  Does anyone know what factors impact the final victory score? I have a domination win on warlord with catherine, for 13101 points. I have a cultural win on noble that came in at only 4310. Both victories were about 1940. Shouldnt a win on noble be worth more?

                  This was my second game, and I be no means expected to get a score this large. What kind of scores can we expect by the elite players, in the 100,000's or maybe millions.

