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A GNP question

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  • A GNP question

    hey everybody,

    I have a question on GNP on the demographics/chart... does anyone know how this is calculated in the game. Please don't send wikipedia links or explain what GNP is in real life... i'd just like to know how the game works out the formula.


  • #2
    I think that every 100 (or 1000 or whatever) represents one unit of commerce generated per turn by your empire.
    Those who live by the sword...get shot by those who live by the gun.


    • #3
      It is the amount of commerce generated by your empire with civic, city and unit costs subtracted from it


      • #4
        Originally posted by trev
        It is the amount of commerce generated by your empire with civic, city and unit costs subtracted from it
        That doesn't sound much like GNP.
        Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
        I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
        Also active on WePlayCiv.


        • #5
          I may have an answer to my own question... somebody else see if I am correct. I believe it is a measure of commerce, but not all of your commerce.

          I think GNP is your total commerce of all your cities (not subtracting anything like civics) minus only your imports.

          Basically add up all your commerce on the city list
          Then subtract your imports which you can find on the demographics page.

          I think that is GNP

          My problem with this is that when you compare your GNP with others - it doesn't give an indication of how my Total commerce (GNP + imports) compares with the Total commerce of other civs. And total commerce is of course what drives research/wealth/culture.

          Anyone else confirm this?

