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fickle AI

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  • fickle AI

    Is Alexander nuts? In my last game he would call me up for a deal on trading resources, or open borders and a few turns later call me up and cancel it in a rage. Over and over again! I didn't even bother to check to see what his problem with me was, but I wish he'd make up his mind whether he liked or hated me.
    "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown

  • #2
    I believe Alexander is a little unstable, but think that you really ought to see what the relationship modifiers are.


    • #3
      It's not always you can depend on the relationship though, in my current game the Arabs hates me and Russia, but there's only positive relationship points (we all share the same religion, has never been at war, etc... not even close borders for any civ)

      And to the question: Yes, he is nuts
      In my current game, I'm playing with random personalities, and it seems like Cyrus got Alexanders personality, because Cyrus (who lives on the other side of the globe on a large map) decleared war on me
      What would he gain by that? He couldn't keep the cities, as the distance cost would be way too high considering the distance, and this is ~1500 BC
      This space is empty... or is it?


      • #4
        I'm sure the AI would call us fickle, too. Like when we suddenly invade a next door neighbor we've been friendly with for hundreds of turns.

        Players are just soooo vain....


        • #5
          Yeah, man. There's no loyalty anymore. I remember in Civ2, I saved Cleopatra's tail from the Mongols, and Egypt stayed on "worshipful" for the entire rest of the game. I went to like AD 3000 and repeatedly tried to provoke International Incidents, but she never got mad at me.

          By the way, whatever happened to official International Incidents? I miss those puppies.
          I don't know what I've been told!
          Deirdre's got a Network Node!
          Love to press the Buster Switch!
          Gonna nuke that crazy witch!

