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Rebate involving paying for wonders

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  • Rebate involving paying for wonders

    I was playing a game this evening where I was building the pentagon, when I finished a wonder in my main production city. I switched the winder production over to that city (saving myself ten turns) and then realized I had enough money to buy it out and rush it right away. I went to my next turn and was suddenly informed that the Pentagon couldn't be continued in the city I was previously building it in, and I got a rather large cash payback as a result. This is more a bug than anything else, but I thought I'd post it for those interested

  • #2
    Do you mean that you actually got more money back than you payed for the construction?

    If so how much did you pay and how much did you get back?
    Please include the Vikings in the Expansion :-)
    Disabling Creative Live Soundcard and use Onboard Sound = No more lock ups and restarts. I am reborn after I found out about this....and then it startet again.


    • #3
      No, I only got a small portion. The only money I got back was from the production I'd done for the Pentagon prior to my cancelling it and paying for it in another city. I payed about $2500 in City #2 to finish it all in one turn, and I got back around $600 from City #1 for the production converted into gold.

      I think it was only able to happen because I left the previous city with nothing to work on after cancelling the production and starting it elsewhere.


      • #4
        Ah, I see what happened.

        I didnt think that you could end the turn before all cities have something in the buildque. If this is the case, yes I would also say it is a bug, or perhaps theres special cases with canceling wonders. Dono, but interesting.
        Please include the Vikings in the Expansion :-)
        Disabling Creative Live Soundcard and use Onboard Sound = No more lock ups and restarts. I am reborn after I found out about this....and then it startet again.


        • #5
          Sounds fine to me. You can chop and change where your wonders are built, so long as they are only in one queue at a time. Even though the Pentagon was not in the queue, it's hammers were still there. As soon as it was finished elsewhere, you got your money, just as you would if another Civ had build it.


          • #6
            Related question....when two civs finish a wonder at the same time, who gets it? Especially in multiplayer.


            • #7
              It's been my experience that whoever actually finishes it first time-wise gets it, since the equal number of turns would create a draw. It might also have to do with how much production you have, as I've pay-finished several wonders on the same turns as AIs, and they ALWAYS get them... pissing me off to a high degree every time.


              • #8
                Originally posted by johnmcd
                Sounds fine to me. You can chop and change where your wonders are built, so long as they are only in one queue at a time. Even though the Pentagon was not in the queue, it's hammers were still there. As soon as it was finished elsewhere, you got your money, just as you would if another Civ had build it.
                Yeah, very true. That works for everything, too, not just wonders.

                If you have a half-built library, and you cancel it and remove it from the build queue, you can then go back 5 turns later, start building the libary again, and it still remembers the hammers from before.

                In fact, there have been a few times when my economy was crashing early on from expanding quickly, I didn't want and couldn't afford any more millitary units, and I didn't have anything else I could build in my capital, so I built a few turns worth of a wonder I had no intention of finishing just for the cash.


                • #9
                  There is one thing I have noticed with regard to cashing in on unbuildable wonders, if you switch to something else in the turn the AI finishes a wonder you won't get the cash refund, untill you attemt to work one more turn on it.
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                  • #10
                    i use that "feature" to top up my gold in the early game.

                    especially lately as i have better sheild producing cities than commerce, so for a quick boost in the not to distant future i'll change over my 3rd/4th highest sheild producer to a wonder that i know will be built soon.


                    • #11
                      Does this pay at the same rate as when you can build gold, ie. 50% of hammers converted to gold?


                      • #12
                        not sure,

                        i thinks its more than 50%,

                        ive last time i did it i got ~450 and i think it was hagia tho might have been hanging g

                        its probably complicated by the fact that id stone (or marble, had both) which doubled build time.

                        but i certainly consider setting one of my lesser cities to build a wonder with the intention of not completing it when (as i often do) i make my civ overly sheild producing and im cash starved. it can sometimes prolong the time i can max out reaserch.


                        • #13
                          ya just confirmed its a 1 to 1 basis.

                          which is excelent considering you get production bonus for
                          marble (or stone)
                          and forge

                          just checked with game where i did so with notre dame 320 sheilds and i got 320 gold.

                          gr8 return.

                          hardly of massive strategic value but it can make the difference.

