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Irritating but not Fatal bug

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  • Irritating but not Fatal bug

    I've been playing this game for a while, and although it's really good, I have recurring graphical errors.

    They appear to be linked to how well the map is generated when you start a new game, as sometimes I can play a whole game with only one or two glitches, othertimes I have to restart immdiatly because they are so common.

    They also appear more often near the "edge" of the game map, where the map wraps round, and often if I zoom out into Globe view I can see a noticable distance between one "end" of the map and another, with stars visible in the gap... pretty psychadellic!

    What I actually get is what I'd describe as an "Exploding Texture", the texture of an object or a bit of terrain explodes all over the screen, so I get, for example, a giant wall of hill texture hovering menecingly over my capital, or spikey stone textured surfaces all over my screen, and sometimes, even weirder, I get what I'd call static land. The land actually looks like TV static.

    I've taken a look at all the recent threads, and the stickied topics, but i can't find any mention of this.

    Has anyone encountered it and (asks hopefully) found a fix?

    So far I've found a temporary solution: if I change graphics settings, usually the Anti-Aliasing, then the bug dissappears, but only for a short while, like a few turns, and thren its back in a different way.

    I was putting up with it, but coordinating around 200 Modern Armour divisions in my longest running conquest game is rather difficult when I can't actually see the ground for a giant wall of grass projecting into the sky.

    Oh, and I'm patched up to the latest version.

    System specs, if they are of any use:

    AMD 64bit 3000+
    1024MB Dual Channel RAM
    GeForce 6600GT 256MB Graphics
    Gigabyte K3 Triton NForce 4 Motherboard
    Soundblaster 24Bit something sound (I forget)
    Windows XP Home Service Pack 2

  • #2
    Sounds like you have the same problem I do!!!!! I call it Broken Graphics.

    Usualy occurs mid to late game (I like to play huge maps) and I cant play any maps that have alot of Islands or Archaplego type terrain at all....they break up within a few turns. So I am stuck playing Continent type maps!!!

    Also late in the game, just before the Broken Graphics, I will lose a "Layer" or two of the terrain. I will see the ships ropes on the sails but no ship or sails---just missing a layer or two from the graphics.

    Now to temporarly fix this I Go back to Windows then back to Civ4! I have the windows key on my keyboard (dont know the acutal keys combo to do this) so I bring up my windows it minimises Civ4 then click on Civ4 to bring it back up and I can play a few more turns----repeat till end of game? Or Save and reload but then again you only have a few turns till you have to do it again??

    I also have a simalar computer setup.....with
    NForce motherboard,
    Duel channel,
    one gig........

    cant remember the husband upgraded my computer recently....for this Game!!!!

    I hope this is fixed in the next patch......



    • #3
      Yeah, thats pretty similar, though I don't lose a layer of graphics. It does seem to be worse on maps with a lot of sea.

      It also sometimes happens from the word go, as soon as I start I'm seeing textures flying all over the place, it certainly gets worse late game.

      I haven't tried going back to windows, but I may do now, and the key-combo to do that is usually ALT + TAB if I recal correctly.


      • #4
        I get something very similiar, but in the process my sound gets garbled and it makes leonard lemoy sound like hes on crack! The only way I can get the game back to normal is by restarting the computer otherwise the graphics remain garbled. My syetem specs:
        3.0ghz Pentium 4
        1 gig of ram
        256 meg geforce 5600 fx
        Any suggestions to fix this bug?


        • #5
          My ATI X650 XT recently died and I replaced it with a geforce 6600 GT 256mb. (both PCIe)

          I get simular graphic glitchs, Can still see the city nams/etc but I get a mix of these textures exploding, and random gemoetry sprawling from the center of my screen outward like I've gone to warp or something, haven't had the TV static yet, but I do get large potions of stone texture fuzz in 1/4s of the screen at a time

          Also it always seems worst around the unexplored transition regions where there is black->fog->visable

          Here is a screenshot of what is typical for me:

          alt+tabbing to windows then back fixes it for one area... but if I move to a different region of the map it comes back... It doesn't seem to matter if it is early or late game. Saving and reloading doesn't make it take any longer to mess up.

          I didn't have this problem with the ATI. The problem occurs much more frequently if I turn anti-aliasing up. But I like to play huge maps, and it occurs all the time there.

          I have 84.21 whql forceware drivers.

          No problems with any other 3D games, even with anti-aliasing turned way up.

          Someone must have a fix?


          • #6
            I wish I did man. This is really pissing me off, I still haven't been able to play this game properly since I bought it this Novemeber.


            • #7
              KoBushi That's exactly the problem I'm getting.

              Must be an Nvidia thing...


              • #8
                Would exiting and restarting the game help?
                (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                • #9
                  Urban it would, but just as the alt-tab trick it only helps for a moment, or for a certain portion of the map.

                  I've noticed however that it only effects Huge maps.
                  Normal and smaller maps don't have a problem... but Huge maps are the most fun!!

                  Hopefully they will patch this
                  Untill then I guss I will just have to play normal sized maps


                  • #10
                    I had the same glitch! I had to Ctrl+Alt+Del it down and restart to get it to work..


                    • #11
                      This is just a long shot...

                      Try going into BIOS and set the AGP aperture to 256MB (if it isn't 256MB already).
                      (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                      (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                      (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                      • #12
                        It isn't AGP, it is PCI Express.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by KoBushi
                          It isn't AGP, it is PCI Express.
                          Same here.


                          • #14
                            In which case, find a similar setting
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                            • #15
                              PCIe has no simular setting it is all handeled by the drivers.

