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  • #16
    Originally posted by SandMonkey

    [General interface comment] If you mouse over the top left corner of the city screen, you'll see a breakdown of how the computer calculates your beakers, gold and culture. [/General interface comment]

    If you take your base beaker production (total commerce x science rate) and add any beakers from specialists, you get the "true" base beaker rate. This is the number that the multiplier is applied to.

    For instance, if you produce 10 commerce, and you're running at 60% science, and no scientists, you would clearly be producing 6 beakers/turn. If you add a library and university (+25% each), your new beaker total would be:

    6 beakers x (1 + 50%) = 9 beakers

    It can get kind of confusing when the game lists separate multipliers (i.e. +150% from buildings AND +50% from civics, etc), but in reality you just add up the percentages and use the total as the multiplier. So in the example I just gave the multiplier would be 200%, not [150% x (1+50%)] = 225%.

    So just to sum it up, the multiplier is applied to the total of your beakers from commerce plus any beakers from scientists/specialists.

    Sorry if that made it more confusing!
    But it's worth remembering that the 50% boost from Bureaucracy increases your base beaker rate. So in the above example your base would now be 9 beakers and your libraries, etc give you an additional percentage of that increased figure. (At least it appears to operate that way.)

    RJM at Sleeper's
    Fill me with the old familiar juice


    • #17
      Originally posted by rjmatsleepers

      But it's worth remembering that the 50% boost from Bureaucracy increases your base beaker rate. So in the above example your base would now be 9 beakers and your libraries, etc give you an additional percentage of that increased figure. (At least it appears to operate that way.)

      RJM at Sleeper's
      It does but I guess it would be more correct to say that the 50% bonus from bureaucracy is to commerce.

      As formulae

      Commerce = (Tile commerce + Trade commerce + Capital bonus) * (1+Bureaucracy bonus)
      Commerce to Science = (Base commerce * Slider rate)
      Science rate = (Commerce to science + Specialists) * (1 + Sum (science bonuses)

      All calculations above are rounded down.

      A bureaucratic capital with academy and library effectively gets its unmodified commerce multiplied by

      (1+50%) * (1 + 50% + 25%) = 263%


      • #18
        Thanks to all for the clarification & elaboration!

        Simple game, Civ . . . you just sit down and wing it!
        "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."

