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Tile Valuations

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  • Tile Valuations

    Disclaimer: Despite the teaser subject line, this post has little value in helping select which tile to work in a given city. That decision must be made in the context of the actual game (i.e. how will this city best support my civilization). I am posting this mostly because I had fun doing it and hopefully you at least have a little fun reading it.

    The first step in valuing a given tile is to rank order the various resources a tile can provide. A few threads have degenerated to debate on this topic, with posters arguing in the context of their preferred strategy. I decided the simplest approach was to use the values Firaxis implicitly gave us via the specialists.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Um... it's a bmp, i'm not touching that.


    • #3
      Hmm...well I apologize to everyone, it seems I have created two Threads on this topic. If the moderator could delete this one I would appreciate it.

      On the other Thread I convereted the bitmaps to JPEG and fixed all my other screw ups. First post to a forum of any kind, I was hoping the fact that I am 12 time zones from EST would give me the chance to clean up everything before people read it

