Originally posted by couerdelion
I’ve now read the CivFanatics thread and understand the confusing results you get from population to hammers conversion on rushing.
In short, there are two calculations
1) How many population needed to rush to finish the build. Incidentally this will determine if the poprush is possible
2) How many hammers are gained from the poprush
As it turns out, after stage 1 has been worked out, it appears that the number of hammers gained per population point is only dependent on the number of hammers needed. It is the lowest multiple of 30 which will complete the build.
So when pop-rushing with one citizen, if you can do this when you need 31+ hammers for completion, then you will get 60 hammers. For two population points, you will ONLY get 45 per population if the remaining build requirement is 61-90. If it is 46-60, you’ll get 30/pop while if it is 91-120, you’ll get 60/pop.
What this seems to suggest is that the forge and granary are the two important builds to enable a profitable poprush strategy.
I’ve now read the CivFanatics thread and understand the confusing results you get from population to hammers conversion on rushing.
In short, there are two calculations
1) How many population needed to rush to finish the build. Incidentally this will determine if the poprush is possible
2) How many hammers are gained from the poprush
As it turns out, after stage 1 has been worked out, it appears that the number of hammers gained per population point is only dependent on the number of hammers needed. It is the lowest multiple of 30 which will complete the build.
So when pop-rushing with one citizen, if you can do this when you need 31+ hammers for completion, then you will get 60 hammers. For two population points, you will ONLY get 45 per population if the remaining build requirement is 61-90. If it is 46-60, you’ll get 30/pop while if it is 91-120, you’ll get 60/pop.
What this seems to suggest is that the forge and granary are the two important builds to enable a profitable poprush strategy.
I tried this on marathon, and it's 90 hammers per pop point. And it seemed to round up, once the first turn is ignored. For example, a monastery is 180 hammers on marathon, so if you try to rush build starting at 0 hammers, it will cost 3 pop. Wait a turn, and it will cost 2 pop (2*90 = 180). The carry over in the queue is correct, i.e. the amount that you already had plus one turn worth of production.
I didn't see a variable hammer rate, but didn't have time to fully investigate.
Now trying a temple, which is 240 hammers on marathon. From scratch, it costs 3 pop again. If I wait a turn, it still costs 3 pop, and doesn't giveme any change other than what was in the queue. If I build to within 180-1 hammers, then it will cost 2 pop, and the correct amount of carry over in the queue will be there. Like I say, I didn't have enough time to test enough cases, and it could be unique to marathon.
It's like being in a store where they don't give change and you only have money in $5 increments.
