Zboard have a limited edition keyset for Civ III so they obviously figure there's a market. I've never used it but it sure is pretty.
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Gamepad with Civ?
Heya. I've been using Autohotkey for City of Villains. Although it is a bit of work to figure out how to set up a proper binding, it is free and open-source so no cost to you, and it may allow you to get that right analog stick back into play.
At the moment I use an XBox controller (with a USB adaptor) which has piles of buttons that hardly get used for most of the console games.O'Neill: I'm telling you Teal'c, if we don't find a way out of this soon, I'm gonna lose it.
Lose it. It means, Go crazy. Nuts. Insane. Bonzo. No longer in possession of one's faculties. Three fries short of a Happy Meal. WACKO!
Originally posted by Destroyer
Why dont you use a neural interface?
It plugs in though the anus - you have to shove it a bit, and attaches to the bottom of the spinal column.
Try it. Get a kitchen knife and hack off the cable to your mouse, then shove it up there.
You get direct control of all your units, and you can declare war by farting.I prefer to jack in via my neural port in the back of my neck, and you don´t get a cable running down the leg of your pants...
I love being beaten by women - Lorizael