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2 Questions

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  • 2 Questions

    How do I keep other civilizations more peaceful? Other then giving tribute constantly are there any other tips for keeping other civilizations in peace with you?

    Also, have barbarians really started their own civilizations? I've seen barbarians take over cities but I've never seen barbarians really act as another civilization.

  • #2
    1) You can't make everyone happy. The best thing to do is to figure out who it is most important to be friends with and do things to please them. This includes choosing the same state religion if possible, not trading with their enemies (you can see what all the leaders think of each other with the advisors), trading with the leaders you want to like you, and helping them in wars. If you try to please everyone you'll end up pleasing almost no one.

    2) They get pretty close. The barbarians can build cities and connect them with roads, get religion, build buildings and wonders in thier cities, and upgrade their land with workers they build on their own. The can pretty much do anything that the other civs can do except for diplomacy, and they can't build all units.


    • #3
      Is there a mod to give them diplomatic abbilities and such so they are just like other civilizations?


      • #4
        Re: 2 Questions

        How do I keep other civilizations more peaceful? Other then giving tribute constantly are there any other tips for keeping other civilizations in peace with you?
        Best deterrant to invasion is a strong army. Even Monty and Tokugowa think twice about attacking when you've got them outnumbered.

        The choosing your friends tip is a good one. It took me a while to realize but I'm very restrictive about open borders these days. If you open with everyone you'll just get demands from each to cancel on the other, which is a no-win situation.

        Also, have barbarians really started their own civilizations? I've seen barbarians take over cities but I've never seen barbarians really act as another civilization.
        Right down to the fact that you'll get unhappies in captured barbarian cities that want to rejoin their motherland.

        I don't know of any mod giving them diplomacy, but basically that would just make them another civ with a bigger start that's initially at war with everyone. Part of their appeal IMHO is that they can't be negotiated with.


        • #5
          I havn't gotten Monty yet but is it even possible to really get Tokugowa or Montezuma to like you?


          • #6
            Yes it is, I had Tokugowa ask me for a defensive pact (which I gave) and in the same game on Immortal level Monty was also good friends with me for a long time. But despite that, Monty attacked me the turn that I became number 1 in land area by defeating the Romans. But in the preceding 30 turns he had gradually cooled towards me anyway, so was not totally out of the blue. But I stayed at peace with Tokugowa to the end when I conceded that I was unable to win when after 4 hours of neverending warfare with Monty I started to lose ground militarily and technologically.


            • #7
              Some AIs is just impossible to please. I played an Earth scenario as Egypt once. I was the one leading power, had most of Africa, the Middle East and some of the Balkans, was technologically ahead of all AIs except the Germans, and had the largest and most modern army on earth. I was on good terms with most AIs. China and me was only so-so, so when they attacked I could understand it. But after I had crushed their invasion and got peace, the Mongols, on the other side of the planet, without any borders at all, a bad military and on good terms with me since forever, suddenly DoWed me... I guess it's their policy to be aggressive, but here it didn't make sense at all.
              Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
              I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
              Also active on WePlayCiv.


              • #8
                I am just completly unable to make Montezuma (I just figured out that's who Monty is, I though it was some Europen guy) or Tokugawa like me without giving them a bunch of crap for free. Peter is also a *****.


                • #9
                  Re: Re: 2 Questions

                  Originally posted by Amarsir
                  I don't know of any mod giving them diplomacy, but basically that would just make them another civ with a bigger start that's initially at war with everyone. Part of their appeal IMHO is that they can't be negotiated with.

                  In Civ2, you would get this cool pop-up from the barbarian leader demanding you pay a certain amount of gold or they'd ransack the city.

                  It would be nice to see that nice little touch back again - pay 100 gold or the barbarian axeman finishes off your last defending warrior.


                  • #10
                    If you play the terra map, by the time you can get to the new world the "barbarians" may have size 15 cities, with roads connecting all the cities, mines, and plantations. Quite good pickings. Maintenance is horrendously high but the coins gained from taking the cities makes up for it until you can get get courthouses built. They can even have gunpowder units up to at least riflemen.


                    • #11
                      I have had Monty as a friend for the whole game. I start by exporting my religion to him. In that he is a lousy Civ player I just keep feeding him old techs and some gold the whole game. It is easy to get him to have big plus modifiers. Just don't ever appear weak though!

