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ok i killed an AI what now

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  • ok i killed an AI what now

    playing as washington on a continents map i fount i had cathy near me i have just waged a war for 1000 years or so and she's gone the conquests are isolated from my main body of cities. my cities were untouched by her but the war has slowed development down a bit (never really waged war this early till now)

    now that the war is over for now and i have a continent to my self do i colonize the rest of it and increase economy or do i go out and find everyone? my position is 1 in eveerything bar a copule of things.

    the settings are continents tropical 9er8 civs huge map haven't play anything from the instant i conquered russia at the time of this post
    still researching construction didn't know if i need it to counter her cultural bonus.

    it might be a good idea to move my capital to the center when i actually get some cities there.
    i know that you must be sick of me asking bout situations by now but this one is differnt to all before it for me.
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  • #2
    First I would postpone building that settler in Athlanta, your city maintainance is heavy enough as it is, and build a few units to take care of those barbarians to the west. Secondly I'd start building some more cottages and infrastructure in the cities. Finally, I'd definetly try to get contact with a few more rivals.

    Be ware that my advices might not be that good a I am not that experienced a player, and I've never played on tropical.
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    • #3
      I bet you will a lot of contradicting advices.


      • #4
        Better leave the game alone for a couple of days see what happens then do a comparsion with each idea try to do it fairly. as i normally play through this will be hard.

        will be interesting as there alot of directions this one can go. however one thing remains constant i think i will need to shore up my economy first before anything else.

        will post my ideas then but i am thinking researching currency then philosophy while shoring things up.

        martin has good ideas here.


        • #5

          i have now played to 1844
          rifles are the new weapons everone has to have
          I have waged wars on persia, china
          Found india think ghandi is going for a cultral victory
          China is to my SW on a small continent/island
          inca,mongol,japanese and arabia all hate me for some reason when i met them round 1400 they were annoyed already what did i do for this ?

          starting to specalise philladelphia for GPP
          war with china just finished

          economically i have maintained my lead on GNP just
          also powerful in MFG capacity
          however my army is half the size of the 2 most powerful trying to upgrade the army as much as possible have a toehold on the chinese land.
          i think i am going ok now

          big problem is happiness can't get luxuries

          might just get dogpiled soon by everyone bar india and persia

