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So why does the AI attack me 2 turns before I get military tradition

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  • So why does the AI attack me 2 turns before I get military tradition

    I'm venting. Let me vent. It's either that, or they attack you very soon after before you can get the cavalry rolling out.

    I hate this game sometimes, and yet, I continue to play. Why is that?

    Anyways, use this thread to vent any frustrations you have with the game. This can become the general ***** thread.

    I also get irritated when I expand too fast and my army goes poof at 0% research. It's irritating because I was expanding at the same speed as the English (Elizabeth).

  • #2
    Um . . . if you were my enemy, I'd steamroll over you with my cavalry too before you could churn them out.


    • #3
      but how would they know I'm about to develop that technology? Actually I may be clueless on this one, is there a way to see what the AI is researching (like in SMAC)?


      • #4
        It's probably because you stopped building military in anticipation of getting much better options soon - the AI saw your military was at an all time low and invaded. That would be my guess anyway.

        It is possible to see what an AI is researching with spies. It's also possible to sort of determine it with the tech trade screen, when the AI is researching something it can't be traded to them.

        The AI does know your research goal and progess though (or at least progress on techs), as in diplomacy it gives a discount if you've partly completed a tech.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blake
          The AI does know your research goal and progess though (or at least progress on techs), as in diplomacy it gives a discount if you've partly completed a tech.
          That doesn't nessecarily mean that that information is used when deciding to go to war. I would be suprised if it was used.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blake
            The AI does know your research goal and progess though (or at least progress on techs), as in diplomacy it gives a discount if you've partly completed a tech.
            The program does. I hope the computer players don't.
            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


            • #7
              Re: So why does the AI attack me 2 turns before I get military tradition

              Originally posted by Dis
              I also get irritated when I expand too fast and my army goes poof at 0% research. It's irritating because I was expanding at the same speed as the English (Elizabeth).
              On what level are you? You may not be keep up with the Lizzie because of her Organised trait.
              (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
              (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
              (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


              • #8
                Re: Re: So why does the AI attack me 2 turns before I get military tradition

                Originally posted by Urban Ranger

                On what level are you? You may not be keep up with the Lizzie because of her Organised trait.
                Lizzie isn't organised


                • #9
                  She is financial though.


                  • #10
                    yeah that would be Victoria (why I mentioned Liz). I've only played against Vicky once that I can recall. Usually I get Liz.

