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  • Airpower


    Am into the later stages of the game searching for a Space victory and am figthing og the AI.

    My jet figthers though seem to all to regulalry get shot down by enemy mono-plane Figthers. Any advice as to how to have more succsess as bombing enemy cities as not willing to risk my stealth bombers getting shot down.



  • #2
    Use your stealth bombers. Stealth actually reduces their chance of being intercepted, and they're pretty tough anyway.


    • #3
      Airpower is at the apex of the first triad of victory, for it combines mobility, flexibility and initiative.


      • #4
        Air combat seems very simplistic. I don't think it compares strength when two air units engage. I think it's simply: Check for interception; if yes, check for evasion. If interception=yes and evasion=no, then destroyed. I believe the strength ratings of the airfcraft are simply used for damage calculations in Airstrike mode. There is no available mission of Fighter Sweep. If there was, you could send your jet fighters in first to engage the defending fighters in combat before you send in the bombers.
        Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


        • #5
          Best strategy is - build more.


          • #6
            Are you sure your jets are being destroyed by the fighters? In my experience bombers and jets will survive being intercepted, returning to base with reduced strength, but the animation for their being intercepted and damaged looks like they were shot down.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Quillan
              Air combat seems very simplistic. I don't think it compares strength when two air units engage. I think it's simply: Check for interception; if yes, check for evasion. If interception=yes and evasion=no, then destroyed. I believe the strength ratings of the airfcraft are simply used for damage calculations in Airstrike mode. There is no available mission of Fighter Sweep. If there was, you could send your jet fighters in first to engage the defending fighters in combat before you send in the bombers.
              I don't think its quite that simple.

              I've sent my fighters on bombing runs, got intercepted, but still shot down the intercepter.

              I do believe, however, that the intercepter gets a huge bonus.

