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too much dark

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  • too much dark

    I am having a problem of the tiles being all black as if the fog of war is on the whole map, this is on every tile (even around capital city. My computer setup is fine and I have downloaded the patch, but still no light.

    Can anyone help?

  • #2
    Same problem as described here perhaps: ?

    In that case, it was the graphics card (or rather, lack thereof) that was the problem. Does your graphics card meet the minimum requirements?

    In any case, it'll be easier for people to help you if you attach your dxdiag report - perhaps others can spot something wrong there that you missed. (In case you don't know how to get that already: click "run" from the start menu, write "dxdiag" and press enter. The directx diagnostic tool will pop up, and from there, click "Save All Information...". Attach the resulting text file to your message.)
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