I was messing around with the CS slingshot yesterday and the following start seemed to be very strong in comparison to my normal worker/ settler (chop) start.
Given a start city with >2 flood plains (or one floodplain plus gold/silver/gems). Build a worker. Research to Pottery. When the worker comes out, DON'T CHOP. Instead, build cottages on the flood plains (or mines on commerce specials). Let your city population grow. Research to Writing. Get a library. Start building that library. Research to Bronze. Chop the library out.
From here, the CS-slingshot is a gimme. You go through the early techs so fast it feels like the modern era.
Or you can chop AND pop rush settlers (you can combine the two to get a settler out really fast). You're making enormous amounts of commerce for the early game, and your capital city is nearing its max population.
Early cottages builds means early hamlets. Consider that the average start city is producing 10 commerce a turn (+8 from palace, +1 from initial square, +1/+0 from one more square). Two floodplain cottages give you an additional +4 commerce, which will soon become +6 commerce in ten turns (which is nothing in the early game). Combined with a library for 20 commerce. That's like having two starting CAPITALS, much less a second puny city.
If you really want to exploit this, you can do the lame trick where you only switch to Settler on the chop turns. To combine this WITH chopping out a first settler.
That would be a sickeningly powerful combo.
Given a start city with >2 flood plains (or one floodplain plus gold/silver/gems). Build a worker. Research to Pottery. When the worker comes out, DON'T CHOP. Instead, build cottages on the flood plains (or mines on commerce specials). Let your city population grow. Research to Writing. Get a library. Start building that library. Research to Bronze. Chop the library out.
From here, the CS-slingshot is a gimme. You go through the early techs so fast it feels like the modern era.
Or you can chop AND pop rush settlers (you can combine the two to get a settler out really fast). You're making enormous amounts of commerce for the early game, and your capital city is nearing its max population.
Early cottages builds means early hamlets. Consider that the average start city is producing 10 commerce a turn (+8 from palace, +1 from initial square, +1/+0 from one more square). Two floodplain cottages give you an additional +4 commerce, which will soon become +6 commerce in ten turns (which is nothing in the early game). Combined with a library for 20 commerce. That's like having two starting CAPITALS, much less a second puny city.
If you really want to exploit this, you can do the lame trick where you only switch to Settler on the chop turns. To combine this WITH chopping out a first settler.
That would be a sickeningly powerful combo.