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OCC on prince - victory via conquest

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  • OCC on prince - victory via conquest

    Thought it wasn't possible. (Small pangea, marathon speed.)

    It is possible. And, pretty easy too.

    Was Germany, had copper just outside city, built 6 axemen - no rushing, no chopping, just built them - wandered over and eliminated Rome while he defended with archers and warriors. Built 4 more axes and 3 spears while destroying Rome and moved them and my 4 remaining axes over to Mansu and destroyed him. Used his roads to get over to Russia and took a couple cities before getting peace because he was so darn far away that it was taking 8 turns to get reinforcements (I don't have horses).

    So while returning my troops to my homeland I discovered Monty had expanded so I added a dozen or so armed forces and took several of his towns. Had to go for peace again though because he decimated my troops because he was far enough along to have axes.

    Now, you'd think I'd be behind in my city but I have all the significant improvements and a hoarde of ahhh, conquered, workers who chopped every forest outside my borders (I can't use them in OCC so why should they exist?) to get me the Pyramids, Oracle, Heroic Epic, Great Library and Hanging Gardens, ankor wat and the one that increases city defence.

    So, since I'm on a small world, I only have these two bad nations left to look at... and the hassle of having to move so many troops so far to eliminate them. But it won't be a problem since they've been weakened so much and I'm nearly to macemen. I'm running 100% research at -7gpt and have about 1000 in the bank. Which, of course, gets nicely fluffed everytime I take a city. Axes build in 2 turns.

    So, really, the space race rubbish is irrelevant 'cause I just have to go kill them all.

    This is my 4th OCC attempt and the first time I tried it via violence. THe peaceful way simply wasn't working.
    If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
    Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.

  • #2
    Nice! Remember I tried a different approach and it was in the modern era. I built some transports, battleships and destroyers. These bombarded coastal cities and my marines attacked them. I think I finish by winning a diplomatic victory (was allied with the Persians) and was too bored to try more of the pillage coastal cities style. Was sure fun to run guerrilla though

