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Discover Tech using Great Scientist

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  • Discover Tech using Great Scientist

    In my latest game, I was researching Education (abt 5000 pts done) when a Great Scientist born.
    It allow me to burn GS to complete Education.
    Sounds great, but I am wandering if I knew that I will get a GS in few turns, then I would just research other tech. Few turns later when a GS is born, I can then use it to discover Education.

    However, I also heard (havent play Civ4 for long) that GS would only able to speed up tech discovery partially in the later game?

    That left me with questions, what would be the way? Will the GS only able to provide about 4000 pts for Education? is it for sure that would be born GS will allow me to discover Education, not other Tech ?

    Anyone know what are the possible Tech able to discover by Great Scientist?
    How many research points is given by GS for late game tech?
    Is it possible to know what Tech will be given before Great Scientist were born?

  • #2
    Re: Discover Tech using Great Scientist

    Originally posted by kiky

    Anyone know what are the possible Tech able to discover by Great Scientist?
    How many research points is given by GS for late game tech?
    Is it possible to know what Tech will be given before Great Scientist were born?
    Great Scientists can get you any tech that is "science-y."

    The amount of research points given varies based upon the speed of the game (and possibly map size/difficulty).

    It is possible to know. He will give you the cheapest of the techs that you could currently research, that falls under his designation. This is true of any of the Great People. In my recent game, I got a Great Prophet, and he was going to give me Monotheism, when I wanted him to give me Philosophy. He'd give me either one, but since I hadn't researched Monotheism yet, and it's cheaper, that's the one he offered. (At that stage in the game, it only took a turn or two of research... of course, then the Prophet offered Theology).


    • #3
      Great Scientists can get you any tech that is "science-y."

      what are they?
      I know Philosophy is one of them.

      The amount of research points given varies based upon the speed of the game (and possibly map size/difficulty).
      I'm playing on Monarch, Huge terra map, 12 civs.

      I reload that game, keep the GS until i fully research Education. the GS then able to partially research Printing Press.
      So Printing Press is one of "science-y" tech...
      Last edited by kiky; February 7, 2006, 03:34.


      • #4
        Here is the list

        Edit: My original article (at bottom) is obsolete after lots of community research into GP tech preferences. Thanks to notagoodname from the civ4 multiplayer ladder site for putting this new article together. In the game great people have a list of techs and a preference for each tech (no...

        He will give you the cheapest of the techs that you could currently research, that falls under his designation. This is true of any of the Great People.
        No. He will give you the tech with he highest value (see list).
        If there are 2 equally valued techs, he wil give you the more expensive one.
        Last edited by gentle; February 7, 2006, 06:36.
        e4 ! Best by test.


        • #5
          Originally posted by kiky

          I know Philosophy is one of them.
          You can also get Philosophy from a Great Prophet. It happened to me once.


          • #6
            Re: Re: Discover Tech using Great Scientist

            Originally posted by platypotamus
            The amount of research points given varies based upon the speed of the game (and possibly map size/difficulty).
            ..and the size of the city in which you burn the Great Person, apparently - the larger the city, the more beakers you get
            Dom 8-)


            • #7
              Re: Re: Re: Discover Tech using Great Scientist

              Originally posted by snafuc4

              ..and the size of the city in which you burn the Great Person, apparently - the larger the city, the more beakers you get
              I tested this in one game between two cities of quite different sizes and got the same investment rate.

              Hardly convinving proof either way but would suggest at the very least that city sizes would be in banded and not just a fixed multiplier on the population points


              • #8
                On normal speed, a great scientists will grant 1500 beakers + 3 for every population point in any of your cities, so if you have 4 of size 10 then he will grant 1620 research. It doesn't matter where you burn him.

                All other great people grant 1000 + 2 / population point in all your cities.


                • #9
                  Re: Re: Re: Re: Discover Tech using Great Scientist

                  Originally posted by couerdelion
                  Hardly convinving proof either way but would suggest at the very least that city sizes would be in banded and not just a fixed multiplier on the population points
                  You may well be right - indeed, I may be attributing something to GSs that may not be generalised (I assumed that GPs would have 'burning' attributes generalised). I'll see if I can find the thread where it was mentioned (it was certainly on here)
                  Dom 8-)

