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Pop-rushing differences

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  • Pop-rushing differences

    I’ve been noticing some strange things happening with some options for pop-rushing and thought I’d share the information with you all so that we can figure out what is happening.

    Leader: Saladin
    Game speed: Epic
    Difficulty level: Emperor.

    At this speed a standard poprush should yield 45 hammers but this is not always the case. Putting aside possible build advantages for Saladin - I should have seen what effect this had on building temples – I will just look at the differences when poprushing for units or buildings (wonders)

    There are two variables that the game will have to calculate with regards to poprushing

    1) How many population points are used (or if a pop-rush is possible)
    2) How many hammers to generate

    In these examples, I have principally been dealing with population of 3 or lower so the only options with 1) have been whether or not a pop-rush is possible.

    When building a worker, a pop-rush appears to become an option when you have 45 hammers or fewer left to finish the worker. This would appear consistent with a pop-rush yielding 45 hammers. However, when the unit is rushed, 60 hammers are generated. Workers generally cost 90 hammers at epic speed so there appears to be an extra 33% bonus to the pop-rush benefit when generating this unit.

    NB In other situations, I have certainly seen 30 hammers generated in a pop-rush for a military unit.

    When Stonehenge was being built, I had managed to build to within 30 hammers from completion and yet was still not offered the alternative to rush. In fact, in some cases, pop-rushing the Henge or Oracle has given just 20 hammers per lost population point. Quite perversely, the option to rush Henge did arrive when I was 21 hammers from completion and the rush generated 30 hammers.

    All in all I am little the wiser as to how the poprush algorithm is working, except to say that I generally now just pop-rush workers and settlers in the early game and chop for buildings.

  • #2
    I'm wondering if maybe you don't have the game patched because you said that workers cost 90 on Epic. I think they used to with patch 1.02 but now they cost 75 (and settlers 125) in patch 1.52.

    But I still think the other issues regarding different amounts of production given for different types of units still exists in the latest patch.

