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A Question About Trading

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  • A Question About Trading

    Hello CIV players,

    So far I have noticed that trading some goods with the AI proveds Health and Happiness points to every city which is connected to the trade network.

    My qestion is about the "hammers" and "gold" that are provided by some of the goods, such as stone and gold.

    Does every city of mine get an exra hammer and gold if I buy
    for example stone and gold from the AI?

    Thanks a lot!

  • #2
    No, Hammers and Gold are things you only get when working a city tile. So only the civ that has the special resource gets those from it.


    • #3
      Thanks, but then why then in the trade screen the stone is marked as "hammer plus one"?


      • #4
        Production is the only thing Stone and Marble provides, they make building Wonders and other buildings go quicker. It's bound to have some reference to this in the trade screen. It doesn't have anything to do with the number of Hammers it produces on the map itself though. That's only usable in the city itself.


        • #5
          What nllsq is refering to is that if you hover your cursor over an item being offered for trade it will say "+ coin, + happy;" or "+ food; + health."

          The + happy and + health I understand, but just like nllsq I've wondered about the + coin, + food, + production parts.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vynd
            What nllsq is refering to is that if you hover your cursor over an item being offered for trade it will say "+ coin, + happy;" or "+ food; + health."

            The + happy and + health I understand, but just like nllsq I've wondered about the + coin, + food, + production parts.
            It's probably giving you a break down of everything that resource does. But only the "special" bonuses are transferable, the rest is usable only by the city it's in. Even if you trade your only source of something, you still get the Hammers/Gold etc. bonuses. If it's not in a city radius, you don't get those other attributes at all.


            • #7
              Thank you guys!

              So, the bottom line is:

              Only +1Health and +1Happiness "points" are transferable to all your cities.

              +1Hammer, +1Gold and +1Food are not. These are bonuses that apply only to the city that has this resource.
              Last edited by nllsq; February 3, 2006, 21:29.


              • #8
                Exactly... I have also wondered why they have chosen to write that 'useless' info in the trading screen. They should only show what the trading gives to the one who recieves the resource (which also includes the +100% building bonus for wonders)
                This space is empty... or is it?

