If you found more than one religion in one city, then definitly build shrines for at least 2 of the religions in the city. It's harder to quantify when religions are spread over multiple cities. If spiritual, I say go for it and spread the religion and build temples.
I'll often build the primary shrine (say conf), then settle the next 2 great prophets, then fianlly get around to making the Tao shrine. I want Conf to spread more aggressively, and only give Tao the shrine when it wont get in the way of conf by converting the wrong cities.
Note that sometimes a religion can be stealthily spreaing, in one game I had Buddhism and Conf, Buddhism had spread aggressively and Conf hadn't appeared to spread naturally much at all. Then i switched religion to Conf (yay for spritual) and was suprised to immediately get contact with 2 new leaders, Conf had stealthily spread 5-6 times out into the deep fog. Soon Conf actually caught up to Buddhism, with both at about 18 cities. Buddhism had spread great locally, but abroad conf was doing better.
I'll often build the primary shrine (say conf), then settle the next 2 great prophets, then fianlly get around to making the Tao shrine. I want Conf to spread more aggressively, and only give Tao the shrine when it wont get in the way of conf by converting the wrong cities.
Note that sometimes a religion can be stealthily spreaing, in one game I had Buddhism and Conf, Buddhism had spread aggressively and Conf hadn't appeared to spread naturally much at all. Then i switched religion to Conf (yay for spritual) and was suprised to immediately get contact with 2 new leaders, Conf had stealthily spread 5-6 times out into the deep fog. Soon Conf actually caught up to Buddhism, with both at about 18 cities. Buddhism had spread great locally, but abroad conf was doing better.