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Rapid Invasion Strategy

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  • Rapid Invasion Strategy

    In a game I am currently playing I am attempt to do either one of 2 things A. Invade enough countries to win a domination victory, (very close 48 percent of the world population and 45% worth of land area) this is obviously including my permanent alliance with Washington. or B. Attempting to gain enough population points to completely manipulate the UN. Currently my votes alone pretty much garentee my reelection to the UN.

    Given these two goals it is important for me to not only have a big army but to have a rapid one as well. So I came up with the idea to imploy the following units only: Marines, Artillery, Gunships, Mech. Inf., Mod Arm., Jets and Stealth Bombers.

    First off the slow moving units i.e. Marines and Artillery plus 5 or so Modern Armors invade from the west. My "rapid deployment units" invade from the east. As I begin my invasion I use my slow moving units in the west to invade only a few cities, they will not play a major role their main point of existence is to provide a bit of "shock and awe" to the victim empire. However the main army has to employ many tactics to be victorious quickly.

    A. A decent amount of jet fighters (in my current invasion I'm using nine) stationed on carriers must do collateral damage to destroy defending units, then they must also destroy city defenses sence the rapid deployment group will not have any artillery the fighters must provide that.

    B. You capture your first city using conventional units (modern armor are best) station some mech for defense depending on the threat level for that city.

    C. Now here is where an exstensive stack of Stealth Bombers come in handy Rebase all stealth in the city you have just acquired (currently I have 23 however that might be more than enough) And begin bombing all cities ahead of your units focusing on Air strikes, remember the more damaged their units are, the less likely they are going to come out and greet your stack

    D. With this in mind begin fanning out your Gunships with their ability to move further ahead of your Modern Armor they can begin destroying units in cities before you even get there. The gunships are most successful obviously against units with half strength and no city defenses, use ur Jets and Stealth to accomplish this. Under best circumstances by the time your stack gets to the city you won't even have to attack, just rolll-onnn-in.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Using this strategy I have invaded 2 countries in about half the time it would have normally taken. Also I lost only the following: 4 marines, 1 Modern Armor and 3 Gunships (so try and have plenty of these because they are crucial to this strategy). So please give this a shot and tell me what you think.
    As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
    - Voltaire

  • #2
    Do you play with space race disabled?

    By the time I get modern armors I'm usually within 15 turns of launching my spaceship...


    • #3
      I play with it on, but right now my goal is to beat every different victory. And usually I am sooo far ahead technologically that there is no space "race".
      As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
      - Voltaire


      • #4
        Originally posted by greenday_234 And usually I am sooo far ahead technologically that there is no space "race".
        Time to increase the difficulty by a notch or three


        • #5
          Definately plan on it given this last game, however the reason I kept it so low was I wanted to get a feel for controlling my own workers as before I had them automated and I wanted to play a few different civs to find one that worked best for me.

          However, getting back to the original meaning of this post I would believe the strategy still would work on higher difficulties, just increasing the invasion numbers to compensate.
          As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
          - Voltaire


          • #6
            That's pretty much how air units are used. You bomb, bomb, bomb and then roll in with your land units to capture. They work like long range artillery.

            I'm not sure what else you would be doing with air units, honestly.

            However, many would point out that if this strategy works, the game is already over (and you're winning).
            The opponent can counter you with fighters, but if you've got this big of a tech advantage, it's hard to lose.


            • #7
              I think you have waited too long for the attack, an advanced civ with infantry backed by catapults for destroying city defences is unbeatable, as the infantry are very good defenders and also very good on the offensive against all earlier units. My big attacks occur with the upgrading of all previous weaponry to infantry as soon as I learn it. Infantry backed by some suicide catapults or cannons ( for collateral damage) are also very good against civs more advance than you are.

