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Post your terrible start and 4000 BC save Here

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  • Post your terrible start and 4000 BC save Here

    In contrast to the good start thread, you can post your terrible start saves here. Then the good players on the forum can give their comments, strategy tips, and show their progress/results from your save.

  • #2
    Link to Vel's Devil's Workshop III thread, since it seems relevant:

    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


    • #3
      Yeah, I read Vel's thread on bad starting position before, but there are no save game, so I can't really try my hands at those games. Anyway, if you would like to contribute a game, just post it here.


      • #4
        this start is pretty shocking its only pricne though

        here is the save 4000 bc
        Attached Files


        • #5
          This is a pretty good start actually, you have clam, pig, marble, and rice all within your capital zone, plus enough forest to chop for at least one wonder.


          • #6
            Hmm, I agree, though I can see health being quite a concern (Though you may be limited in expansion due to that desert to the south, I can't see a river)


            • #7
              its excellent terain for the capital but there a no halfway decent city sites nearby for that second city

              desert to the south ocean to the west and north and lots of plains to the west it would fall into the cattegory of fantastic capital craptacular second city sites nearest river is about t tiles away i have a shot of the the map zoomed out and you can play the saved game have a look see that ther ar no specials for a while.
              Last edited by unamablebuiler; January 30, 2006, 23:17.


              • #8
                This picture does not do justice to the difficulty of this start.
                It's an emperor level, continents game. It requires the CFC Hall of Fame 1.52 mod in order to play, which is a mod that just adds a few minor utilities to prevent cheating in HOF games.

                I can't figure out how to link to the saved game I uploaded.

                < img = "" > < /img >

                I still don't know what I'm doing wrong... I got pictures up here once before...

                Last edited by playshogi; January 31, 2006, 23:46.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by playshogi
                  This picture does not do justice to the difficulty of this start.
                  It looks pretty bad to me. The Stone could be useful, but there's little food and no other resources. Of course I don't see what else is under the fog.

                  To show your picture properly, use < img = "" > < /img > tags, minus the spaces, and with the URL in the quotes. To link your save game, go to the upload area, right-click to copy the link from the "direct link," and use the "http://" button in the message editor.

                  I found out about the picture issue myself just recently in other thread.

                  - Gus


                  • #10
                    Emperor setting, now we are rocking. Could you post the 4000 BC save, so that we can try our hands at it? The way I see it, if one can win the game under adverse conditions, one will have no problem winning it under normal or ideal conditions.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by unamablebuiler
                      its excellent terain for the capital but there a no halfway decent city sites nearby for that second city

                      desert to the south ocean to the west and north and lots of plains to the west it would fall into the cattegory of fantastic capital craptacular second city sites nearest river is about t tiles away i have a shot of the the map zoomed out and you can play the saved game have a look see that ther ar no specials for a while.
                      Well, Washington is financial, so you can build your initial cities near the coast. I noticed that there are no nearby civs, so you can cottage spam to make most of your traits (irrigate grassland if possible, and cottage the plain (always have +2 food surplus). If no water nearby, just cottage the grassland first). Micromanage your tile so the cottages are worked, and this game should be pretty easy to win. The Great Lighthouse and Great Library would be nice to have, but not required. Work your way to communism and democracy, and cash rush the kremlin, and you will be all set to cash rush all late game wonders, and be miles ahead of your rivals in commerce and techs.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by unamablebuiler
                        this start is pretty shocking its only pricne though
                        That's not a bad start. A few games ago I had a bad start (don't have the save nor screenshots though). After having built 4-5 cities I had less good land-area than your capital has, counted together
                        This space is empty... or is it?


                        • #13
                          I've only had one real terrible start, in which I started on a little penninsula with some floodplains, hills, and gold around my capitol. The problem presented itself in that the entire rest was desert, and my only link to the main landmass was a 1 tile wide stretch. 1 tile Mountain, that is. I couldn't produce a galley quick enough with a desert coastal city to really do much.
                          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                          You're wierd. - Krill

                          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                          • #14
                            Could you post that game file if you still have it?


                            • #15
                              Thanks mutax

                              guess my relative inexperience shows , it was my first game on prince

                              The way i see it the best city site is on the river to the SW

                              so i would need bronze working and pottery and not a religion?

