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closing the tech gap

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  • closing the tech gap


    Am trying to master noble level at the moment and have just reached the middle ages but find myself some 3/4 tec's behind the leading three nations on point.

    I have the largest area having just kiled of one of my neighbours and am readjusting my economy.

    Aside form pletny of cottages, burercracy and setting cities to build science, is there anything else i can try.

    Thanks for your help



  • #2
    Some suggestions

    Trade techs if you can.

    With lots of worked cottage tiles, you ought to be producing plenty of tech investment. What is your science multiplier? Perhap its low because your costs are probably running a little high. In that case, check your costs out. Vassalage might save you a lot if you troop costs are high. Courthouses will help reduce city maintenance in those cities further from your capital

    If the science multiplier is over 50% then I guess you need more libraries/an academy.


    • #3
      Depending on how many civs there are, a 3/4 tech deficit isn't too much trouble if your land area is large and your border is secure. Just make some friends with the other low-tech civs and trade techs until you catch up with the leader.

      If the top 3 civs on your map means 1/2 the planet, thats dangerous... Heres what I usually do to come back from a severe tech deficit -

      Make friends with as many of the tech leaders as possible. You have extra territory, so you probably have lots of luxury resources to give away. This not only makes it more likely they will trade techs with you, but it makes it less likely they will use their superior firepower against you.

      If your tech deficit is REALLY severe, you might want to put put a large % of your income into commerce. This may seem counter-intuitive, but sometimes it's more efficient to buy technologies outright, rather than researching ones everybody already has.

      Research obscure techs that few people have - then trade them for the ones you need. This is where extra money helps, because usually those obscure techs are ones nobody wants, so you have to fatten the pot with a little gold.

      Make sure to keep your front-line troops maximum upgraded, so if you do get attacked by advanced units you won't get crushed. This sort of a "duh" but it's easy to put off things like that when you're focusing on other stuff. Again - another reason to have a high commerce output.

      I've heard many other good suggestions that people might post here, but I wanted to give my thoughts first for a change.


      • #4
        closing the tech gap

        Hi Guys

        Thanks for your help, will be puttign them into pratice.

        My science rate currently is 40% and have plenty of luxuries and like the idea of giveing them away to sweeten relations.

        Courthouses will be high on the building agenda and a good point about border cities.

        Any other suggestions gratefully recevied.




        • #5
          Another technique is specializing some high-commerce cities as research centers with all the available items that boost your beaker count. In particular, it helps to focus on developing a Super Science City which literally has "the works" including the critical item, an Academy. This requires a Great Scientist, usually generated early (as the first GL) by dedicating two scientists in a high-commerce city. The +6/turn quickly yields a 100-pt GL.

          Obviously there are Wonders that make such a city even more powerful, and at Nobel level you can usually snag most or all of these (this may have to wait until your next game, of course!)
          "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


          • #6
            If you're behind in tech due to having a larger empire then that's okay and normal. You'll catch back up by building courthouses and as cottages develop, then exceed them as

            I reccomend heading straight to Liberalism, assuming it's still available. If you get to Liberalism first you know that your tech is okay. Pick up Nationalism or something as the free tech and you'll be firmly in the lead.


            • #7
              Thanks for your help guys.

              Have played on since and the courthouses along with the printing press for all of my towns has worked well.

              Am ahead on points and hope to grab democracry first for the SoL

              Thanks again


