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Early culture bomb better than academy?

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  • Early culture bomb better than academy?

    I've been using oracle to get me to code of laws asap,
    then creating a great artist rather than scientist .

    Then i find a location with as much land mass ,
    resources,rival cities possible and bomb away.

    This puts a lot of land/resources under my control,
    along with 1-3 rival cities that revolt .

    It works best when cultire defenses are low of course

    So why not wait on academy?

  • #2
    Probably a tactic that works well on low difficulty levels, on higher levels it would inflame the AI to war, and the city being in the midst of them and hard to defend would be lost.


    • #3
      Well i'm still tryin different tactic's on noble level,it has no effect on them at all it seems.Which i found rather odd even for noble level.

      Maybe one day i'll be ready for higher levels.

      Thanks for the reply!

