Idea for a new Great Person in an expansion: the Super-Spy. I have seen people lament about the limitations on spies in Civ 4 and I too miss the ability to steal techs, bribe units, poison water supplies, etc. I think the answer might be a new kind of GP that would act like a spy, but have the ability to steal a tech (for free), bribe units (perhaps with a limit of 5 units or so), poison a city (reducing its pop by 20-50%), or incite a border city that is already under cultural pressure to revolt (perhaps by increasing its revolt risk due to cultural influence for 10 turns or something, this should not be automatic).
The spy could be created from military intelligence specialsts that could be placed with barracks, drydocks, and bunkers. I guess the military intelligence specialist could produce light bulbs and maybe hammers (via better logistics), or perhaps could give one bonus XP per specialist to new units being created in that city. The spy could accelerate either military or government techs, and could be placed in a city as a 100% effective counter-spy that would produce more light bulbs and hammers (or military unit XP's) then a regular specialist. I also think that regular spies could be used as counter-spies against the GP spy in your cities, it would give players more incentive to build and use spies to protect key cities. The GP spy would have a chance to get caught while performing an operation, but I think that this should be less of a chance than a normal spy would have.
What do you guys think of this idea?
The spy could be created from military intelligence specialsts that could be placed with barracks, drydocks, and bunkers. I guess the military intelligence specialist could produce light bulbs and maybe hammers (via better logistics), or perhaps could give one bonus XP per specialist to new units being created in that city. The spy could accelerate either military or government techs, and could be placed in a city as a 100% effective counter-spy that would produce more light bulbs and hammers (or military unit XP's) then a regular specialist. I also think that regular spies could be used as counter-spies against the GP spy in your cities, it would give players more incentive to build and use spies to protect key cities. The GP spy would have a chance to get caught while performing an operation, but I think that this should be less of a chance than a normal spy would have.
What do you guys think of this idea?