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Expenses under the Microscope, value of Organized etc.

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  • Expenses under the Microscope, value of Organized etc.

    I was thinking it'd be educational to get some examples from games of expenses, to help show the value of organized and various civics.

    This is from an Emperor game, playing Washingon on a Standard Highlands.
    At this point in the game, I switch to Vassalage from Barbarism.


    In this case, Vassalage has reduced my total expenses by 7 gold, almost 10% of the total. Presumably a non-organized leader would be paying about +3 more civic upkeep in this situation, making the net gold benefit about half as great. Vassalage is nearly always positive in terms of expenses, presuming non-zero military spending.

    On the benefit of Organized iteslf. From considerable observation I've noticed that at Monarch and Emperor the Civic Upkeep will be slightly higher than City Upkeep. Here is a screenshot from earlier in the game, before building any courthouses:

    Washington, Emperor Difficulty, 60% gold allocation,4x Low upkeep, 1x High Upkeep:

    Taking the org trait at face value (50% reduction) one would expect the civic upkeep would normally be 14, however org is better than 50%, so it's more likely to be ~16.
    In any case the trend I have noticed is that the civic upkeep will rarely be lower than the city upkeep. It can thus be concluded that in the majority of cases, the Org trait reduces total expenses from cities by 25%. Building courthouses will reduce expenses from cities by another 25%, the combination halves expenses from cities.

    Whether or not this will exceed the value of Financial depends on income sources - financial only works on tile commerce. There are 5 other main sources of beakers/gold that aren't improved by Financial: Palace, Specialists, Great People, Trade Routes, Trade with AI's & Booty.
    The value of Organized versus Financial depends largely on the degree you rely on commerce to power your empire (versus specialists, great people, trade and scamming gold out of AI), it is likely that for empires pushed to the limit the grand total of commerce from tiles will actually be less than the total expenses (net profit comes from the 5 other sources), the 25% savings from Organized will certainly exceed the +1 commerce on SOME tiles from Financial.
    In contrary if income from commerce is easily paying off the expenses, then Financial is the better trait.

    In short, if your playstyle means you struggle to break even, then Organized is definitely the trait for you. If you prefer a healthy economy then Financial will only make you stronger.

    I'd be interested in more case studies from peoples games, even just a screenshot of expnses along with leader&difficulty level and an indication of the level of investment in courthouses and such.

  • #2
    An excellent analysis, Blake! You have put to paper that which I suspect that many players are feeling intuitively, and given substance to the vague "feeling" that we have, regarding the Organized trait. VERY good read!

    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


    • #3

      I think the example you gave would have been made more useful with details of city and troop numbers. You could, for example, be running with low or zero unit cost and supply costs so the figure is heavily dependent on the how militarised you are.

      I think the simplest comparison is that warmongers or those rapidly sprawling civs should go for Organised to keep better control of spiralling expenses. Those more interested in steady peaceful expansion will probably benefit more from Financial.

      And Philosophy suits anyone who has ever generated a great person.


      • #4
        You can guesstimate my state of empire and troop numbers by the expenses screen. 50% gold suggests a modestly large empire, 13 unit cost suggests a decently large army.


        • #5
          i would add that Financial benifits you straight away if you build cottages on river tiles (i do as soon as i can).

          once their down you get +3 commerce vs +2 commerce for non financial. similar applies to coastal water tiles and any of the improved reasource tiles (gold dye ect).
          also the following commerce sources Specialists, Great People and Trade Routes aren't factors in the early game.

          so i would qualify your statement to :

          if your playstyle means you struggle to break even from the classical period onwards, then Organized is definitely the trait for you. If you prefer a healthy economy then Financial will only make you stronger and you can recieve the benifits in the very early game.
          personally i'll take the early benifits as being more worthwhile than later (even though possibly bigger) benifits.


          • #6
            It's really an entirely different ballgame at emperor and above. The way expenses work at Emperor is you can either be afflicted by fairly hefty upkeeps, or be too small to compete, there's not much choice-factor here. At like Noble you need to expand extremely aggressively to justify Organized. At Emperor the game starts with 2g/turn in civic expenses, this is eliminated by Organized, saving you 2g/turn from the very start.

            So while on the low and mid difficulties organized doesn't start paying off until classical, at the high levels it starts paying off at turn 1, long before you can build a cottage, so in many cases Organized is paying off long before Financial, this is nearly a complete reversal in game mechanics: just so that everyone knows the different wavelengths people are on .

            edit: In any case while I don't want to be elitist, truth be told the people who are really interested in (and might benefit from) this kind of detailed analysis are probably going to be monarch/emperor+ players anyway. This is not a thread of vauge observations, it's for the kind of hardcore analysis suitable for those who get excited about gaining a hammer here and saving 2 gold there.
            It is very much not about which trait is better; it is about knowing how to wring every bit of benefit out your traits. "What do I need to be doing, to get more benefit from Organized than I would be from Financial, or vice-verca?", this is the kind of excruciating attention to detail that makes the highest difficulties possible.
            Last edited by Blake; January 20, 2006, 09:01.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blake
              At Emperor the game starts with 2g/turn in civic expenses, this is eliminated by Organized, saving you 2g/turn from the very start.
              I tend to play emperor level and don’t get civic upkeep costs at the beginning. Or have I missed something?


              • #8
                It was changed in patch 1.52, along with generally making civic upkeep more brutal, this has also acted as a buff to Organized.


                • #9
                  How about inflation, do you have any info on that? In one game as Mantezuma I had 56 inflation in the late game.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Alkis2
                    How about inflation, do you have any info on that?
                    Ditto, how does inflation work and can we combat it?

                    Also, how does unit cost work -- the hover information doesn't make any sense to me. I'm probably missing something, but the information it gives me often seems contradictory. I'm at work, so no screenshot, butfor example "10gp for 25 units, free support for 17 (or whatever, random, fabricated example" doesn't seem to tell me what I want to know -- can I build another unit or not?

                    The undeserving maintain power by promoting hysteria.


                    • #11
                      I don't think there is anything you can do about inflation. As for how it works... no idea.

                      Agreed that the unit support cost display is wierd. It seems to have two seperate entries in my games, with different numbers. I know there are differing costs for units depending on whether they are in or out of your territory... maybe it has to do with that...

                      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                      • #12

                        Yeah, two components. I can't remember what either is called exactly but --

                        1) cost for the unit existing

                        2) cost for having units outside your borders, stomping heads -- I think this part is dependent on distance from borders, number of units there, and (maybe?) how long they've been away

                        The part I really have a question about is part one -- it seems I should be able to tell how much my defense forces are costing me by looking at the info screen, but, the hover text is useless. I'll read the text, and, for example it seems to say that I'm below my support limit, but, I do, in fact, have support costs. Something like --

                        Unit cost: 30 (hover: 30gp support for 18 units, free support for 20

                        Does this mean I actually have 38 units and only 18 cost me anything? -- that's what I initially thought. However, before I gave up on looking at the screen. I tried sacking some warriors to get below my limit and it didn't seem to work as expected. Also, does this count workers, settlers, missionaries and workboats (I assume it does).

                        Again, I could probably work this out eventually, but I'm at work...and bored...and hoping someone has already worked it out for my lazy behind.
                        The undeserving maintain power by promoting hysteria.


                        • #13
                          Yeah, I generally see stuff like that and think "oh, well, somebody on 'poly will figure it out and post the explanation." I'm not much for experimentation with the under the hood stuff.

                          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                          • #14
                            "Unit cost: 30 (hover: 30gp support for 18 units, free support for 20"

                            Umm, it doesn't say that. It says something like:
                            5: Unit cost for 5 units (free support for 7)
                            Which means you have 12 units and are paying 5 for them, this is then modified by a handivcap that is based on the difficulty level you are playing.

                   if you want to go under the hood indepth.


                            • #15
                              Excellent, thanks --

                              My impossible example was made up from (faulty) memory while wasting time at work. Since I wasn't sure what the screen meant, I hadn't actually looked at in in a while.

                              The undeserving maintain power by promoting hysteria.

