Odd, I have NEVER had any problems running CivIV - sometimes for 8 hours at a stretch.
Suddenly, three days ago, it started locking up, crashing to restart, crashing to desktop, etc. after only short periods of play.
I reloaded the BIOS, and video driver updates, all that good stuff. Tweaked around with Memory allocation, video speed. Nothing has worked.
I did a full erase and reload and started a fresh game - the problem is still there. I'm doing another reload.
It claims that there is a hardware lockup causing the problem... but I can find no conflicts anywhere in the system. The virus protection is up to date so there should be no problems there.
Odd. It just came out of nowhere and won't go away.
Also, I had loaded nothing new nor changed my configuration in any way before the problem started.
Anybody have any thoughts?
Suddenly, three days ago, it started locking up, crashing to restart, crashing to desktop, etc. after only short periods of play.
I reloaded the BIOS, and video driver updates, all that good stuff. Tweaked around with Memory allocation, video speed. Nothing has worked.
I did a full erase and reload and started a fresh game - the problem is still there. I'm doing another reload.
It claims that there is a hardware lockup causing the problem... but I can find no conflicts anywhere in the system. The virus protection is up to date so there should be no problems there.
Odd. It just came out of nowhere and won't go away.
Also, I had loaded nothing new nor changed my configuration in any way before the problem started.
Anybody have any thoughts?