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Game crashes at new game start up

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  • Game crashes at new game start up

    Hey guys,
    I've read a lot of posts trying to see if any others had this problem and it doesn't seem like it. Heres the deal: I load the game up and the menu runs fine. I can get to all of the submenus. I click on Play Now, or Custom Game and it still runs fine. I do all the menus and then the game loads up. I press the Done button after teh load screen and the game freezes to black. It's as though the game is getting stuck between the loading screen w/ the great Mr. Spock and the game itself. On the left hand side it even says that I have entered the game and that it has autosaved.



  • #2
    Have you tried things mentioned in other troubleshooting threads yet? Offhand, I'd suggest try lowering your hardware acceleration and doing all troubleshooting on duel maps to save time.


    • #3
      how do i do that? i'm new at this.

      Vilma 5151


      • #4
        Right click on your desktop and go to Properties>Settings>Advanced>Troubleshoot, and there should be a slider. Try knocking it down a peg.


        • #5
          how far down should i knock it?


          • #6
            You might also try reducing your graphics to low. In the starting menu, instead of "single player", select "advanced", then select "options". Click on the "graphics" tab, then set graphics level to low. That should set several other parameters to their lowest values; if you can get the game to run you can experiment with higher values.


            • #7
              my graphics are already at low.


              • #8
                i lowered the hardware accelteration one peg and found that if i Alt+Tab out of the game to another program before i hit the 'Play Now' button the game will usually run. What's the deal?


                • #9
                  I have no idea.

                  Which acceleration did you knock down to get a (semi) successful result?


                  • #10
                    it was semi-successful if i knocked it down to one from the right, and it seems to run if i knock it down to two from the right. what gives?


                    • #11
                      I'm afraid I know very little about the workings of sound/video cards beside what you can read off the back off the box. You'd need to know how the graphics/audio card, the operating system and the application running work together to really understand.

                      Generally lowering acceleration means more functions of the work are done by your CPU rather than the card. The most advanced functions are the first to go. I don't think that setting affects the actual speed the device runs though, just how much the OS trusts it to 'get it right'.


                      • #12
                        whatever. tahnks for the suggestion.

