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Bombarding... how?!

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  • Bombarding... how?!

    I realize that this is likely a newbie question, but I've done search after search on here and elsewhere, but nobody mentions it.

    I have catapaults. I have artillery. These things are supposed to fling giant things against my enemies.

    Thing is... the game mentions bombarding, but not how to do it. I tried B, I tried Shift B, I tried pretty much everything, and I can't find how to do it! There's no 'click here to target for bombardment' thing.

  • #2
    Bombarding works differently in Civ4 than in the previous versions.

    You can only Bombard Cities, and it lowers its defensive bounus. You cannot bombard units. (except with planes)

    You can, however, attack units. And when you do it will cause collateral damage on units in the stack. You will lose alot of catapaults doing this, but you will devestate the enemy. Also, get the collateral damage promotions.


    • #3
      Ahhh, the only units that an bombard like you want are fighters and bombers. Siege units can no longer bombard like that because it was way way way way way overpowering. The ability to bombard units is represented by using your siege weapons like missiles/bombs and suiciding them on enemies. Siege weapons are meant to be stack killers, they are pretty cheap and with a few siege weapons in your army you can suicie them and kill huge stacks with huge defensive bonuses that you couldn't dream of attacking without siege.

      Now, bombarding in Civ4 means placing your siege next to a city and hitting the b key, this will reduce the defenses (walls and cultural) of the enemy city. Fighers and Bombers can either bombard a tiles defenses/improvements or be on a strike mission and do damage to enemy units.

