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  • Terminology

    Hey Folks!

    I have run accross some terminology in this forum that I don't quite know the meaning of. Can someone please explain the following:

    1. Farseer
    2. Slingshot
    3. Vertical Growth vs. Horizontal Growth.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Hey man! Yep...some of the terminology sure can be confusing....the ones you mentioned are as follows:

    FarSeer - An Oracle trick. Grab the Oracle and use the free tech to get early Metal Casting, then start dropping Forges everywhere you can for a hefty 25% hammer kick, a good deal earlier than the opposition. If you happen to be Industrious as well, this can pay even larger dividends, since you'll be paying half price FOR all those Forges.

    (CS) SlingShot - Another Oracle trick. The essence of it revolves around the following:
    * Making an early academy in your Capitol (+50% science)
    * Completing Code of Laws JUST BEFORE the Oracle is done
    * Use the free tech from Oracle to grab Civil Service and switch to Bureaucracy (+50% science).

    This can HUGELY increase your research capability through the Renaissance era (and sometimes beyond)

    Horizontal Growth - Growing "out" (more cities) via steady to rapid expansion. Horizontal growth will see aggregate food and hammer production increase, but it may not (at least not right away) increase your research. In fact, it can easily slow your research down or grind it to a halt. Expansion in this manner, if not handled correctly, can kill you by means of economic paralysis.

    Vertical Growth - Growing "up" in just one, or in relatively fewer cities. Here, the focus is on early infrastructure, and making the most out of the relatively fewer tiles worked. Generally, you'll see bigger, faster research gains this way, tho your aggregate food and hammer outputs will be less than a rival with more cities. Spend too much time growing this way, and it too, can kill you, as you'll find yourself "crowded out" and marginalized by those around you.


    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


    • #3
      I've seen the AI (Peter) pull of a Farseer --> Pyramids trick. It took some luck, but a forge in the Oracle city allowed it an engineer, and by the time 100GPP were made there was ~23% chance of a GE and it got one. It build the Pyramids next turn. Well played, Peter.

      I tried this and got a prophet, but with some pre-chops on the forge the odds could be maximised for a GE. It should pay off every third or fourth game .


      • #4
        We could also mention Philosophy Slingshot. Like CS Slingshot but taking Philosophy instead of Civil Service. This gives Taoism and Pacifism.


        • #5
          Thanks for the help guys.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cort Haus
            We could also mention Philosophy Slingshot. Like CS Slingshot but taking Philosophy instead of Civil Service. This gives Taoism and Pacifism.
            yeah , thx court...thats my favourite one ^^
            Though it may also differ from CS concerning research, Drama is the alternative route.
            e4 ! Best by test.

