In my typical game, I frequently find myself in the following situation: in three more turns, New York will have 60 hammers in the box and I'll be able to pop-rush its library. In five more turns, Boston will grow and I want to re-distribute its workers. In two turns, Chicago will grow to size two and I can pop-rush its granary. Et cetera.
Inevitably, I forget to go back to the city on the turn I wanted to go there, and lose some efficiency because of that. What I'd love to be able to do is to have the game remind me to go back to those cities, like the alarm clock but based on game turns instead.
Possibilities: have a pop-up in the city view screen that says:
[] come back to this city in xxx turns
[] come back to this city when it has xxx hammers
[] come back to this city when it reaches xxx population
Or, allow the player to force text to pop up in a given number of turns (along with forest growth, enemy spotted, etc.):
next turn:
2 turns: check Chicago
3 turns: check New York
4 turns:
5 turns: check Boston
Inevitably, I forget to go back to the city on the turn I wanted to go there, and lose some efficiency because of that. What I'd love to be able to do is to have the game remind me to go back to those cities, like the alarm clock but based on game turns instead.
Possibilities: have a pop-up in the city view screen that says:
[] come back to this city in xxx turns
[] come back to this city when it has xxx hammers
[] come back to this city when it reaches xxx population
Or, allow the player to force text to pop up in a given number of turns (along with forest growth, enemy spotted, etc.):
next turn:
2 turns: check Chicago
3 turns: check New York
4 turns:
5 turns: check Boston