I wonder this for as long as I play CIV4...
What is better? Every great people can do different things, add a city as super specialist, trigger a golden age (with 2 great people) or give one free tech, and of course help build things...
On my last game (still busy, not the warlord level, but ONE higher.. forgot the name) I was contrentrating on add as super specialist in my captital city because I was trying to get as many as tech level devolpment in that city. But I wonder.. later in the game you can get techs that cost over 4000 tech points, so can we say that the later you get your great people, the better it is to just take the free tech ?
Or perhaps you do other things with this?
My current game is going just fine, pretty peacefull, but for sure a winner, about 70 turns to go. just got flight in 3 turns
and need about 6 techs to finalize the tech tree.. My sience output is superb....
I was playing CiVs from the first one, until this one... the only one I didn't like was alpha centauri....
What is better? Every great people can do different things, add a city as super specialist, trigger a golden age (with 2 great people) or give one free tech, and of course help build things...
On my last game (still busy, not the warlord level, but ONE higher.. forgot the name) I was contrentrating on add as super specialist in my captital city because I was trying to get as many as tech level devolpment in that city. But I wonder.. later in the game you can get techs that cost over 4000 tech points, so can we say that the later you get your great people, the better it is to just take the free tech ?
Or perhaps you do other things with this?
My current game is going just fine, pretty peacefull, but for sure a winner, about 70 turns to go. just got flight in 3 turns

I was playing CiVs from the first one, until this one... the only one I didn't like was alpha centauri....