This post is to accumulate 'chop' strategies that will encourage the quick regrowth of forest for reusable/renewable forests.
My first few games I tried clear cutting now however I am trying selective chopping after I noted regrowth in certain gaps.
What I have tried is crosshatch choping so far. Which looks like this:
O - gaps for clearcutting.
X - remaining forest.
If the worker no longer has trees in the city radius I use him stacked with a warrior to chop further afield.
I notice some regrowth. Has anyone discovered a good pattern to encourage regrowth and does anyone know how regrowth actually works ingame.
My first few games I tried clear cutting now however I am trying selective chopping after I noted regrowth in certain gaps.
What I have tried is crosshatch choping so far. Which looks like this:
O - gaps for clearcutting.
X - remaining forest.
If the worker no longer has trees in the city radius I use him stacked with a warrior to chop further afield.
I notice some regrowth. Has anyone discovered a good pattern to encourage regrowth and does anyone know how regrowth actually works ingame.