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I don't care for the UN much.

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  • #16
    Yeah, I'm not really sure why they thought that shipping the game with the UN feature far crappier than it was in SMAC was a good idea. If they couldn't make it work they should have just dropped it, I just end up having to turn it off via Custom games, too annoying to leave it in. Man, the SMAC UN was so great.


    • #17
      the UN exists to stop you nuking teh ai thats going to win the space race

      Once a resolution is passed, can it not be repealed? The option seemed there but I didn't actually try it
      you ever tryed to get the ais to repeal no nukes ?
      when they all gang up and decide something then thats the way its gona stay


      • #18
        Re: I don't care for the UN much.

        Originally posted by Willem
        The trade resolutions are kind of a no brainer really, since they only benefit the player if passed.
        The extra trade route will benefit the Civs with the most and biggest cities. This is not necessarily the human player.

        The free trade resolution is for opening up Mercantilist civs for trade. This will benefit the civ with the biggest cities - again, not necessarily the human player.

        So, I don't see that as a no-brainer for the human.

        The no-nuke option is obviously strong.

        The Civics resolutions are subtle, and may not be apparant to people who haven't seriously fiddled around with the dark arts of diplomacy and UN victories.

        Getting them out of military civics has already been mentioned, but you can also snap them out of religious & civics love-ins that can swing a vote and win the game. By the end you can get AI's with around +8 faith-bro's and +2 Wise Civics for each other. Knock out that +10 and attitudes can change fast.

        I accept that the UN isn't everyone's cup-of-tea, but then should I demand that West Point get an option to disable it because I'll never get a unit high enough to build it? Of course not, it's a consequence of my playstle and I have to deal with AI's who have built it. Likewise, if I neglect diplomacy and fail to gain control of the UN I have to face the consequences of that.


        • #19
          Re: Re: I don't care for the UN much.

          Originally posted by Cort Haus

          The extra trade route will benefit the Civs with the most and biggest cities. This is not necessarily the human player.

          The free trade resolution is for opening up Mercantilist civs for trade. This will benefit the civ with the biggest cities - again, not necessarily the human player.

          So, I don't see that as a no-brainer for the human.

          The no-nuke option is obviously strong.

          The Civics resolutions are subtle, and may not be apparant to people who haven't seriously fiddled around with the dark arts of diplomacy and UN victories.

          Getting them out of military civics has already been mentioned, but you can also snap them out of religious & civics love-ins that can swing a vote and win the game. By the end you can get AI's with around +8 faith-bro's and +2 Wise Civics for each other. Knock out that +10 and attitudes can change fast.

          I accept that the UN isn't everyone's cup-of-tea, but then should I demand that West Point get an option to disable it because I'll never get a unit high enough to build it? Of course not, it's a consequence of my playstle and I have to deal with AI's who have built it. Likewise, if I neglect diplomacy and fail to gain control of the UN I have to face the consequences of that.


          • #20
            Correction to my post above - I think that should be Closed Border Civs, not Mercantile Civs, that are opened up by the Free Trade resolution.


            • #21
              Become Gen'l Secy and never put a proposal to vote. Easier said than done, I know, but it does keep open the nuke option. I usually vote for non-pro, mainly because I'm sure I'd be nuked if I didn't.

              A little off topic: has an AI ever launched nukes at you? Also, will other AIs declare war if you do?
              Last edited by Jabutron; January 10, 2006, 07:18.


              • #22
                The UN should allow votes for all the civics. If I want to make everyone adopt slavery, I should be able to submit a resolution for that. It seems silly to me that leaders have favorite civics that can't be voted for on the UN.
                “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                "Capitalism ho!"


                • #23
                  I'm quite happy with the UN. At least it now does something more than just the diplomatic victory so it is an improvement of previous incarnations of Civ.

                  If you accept that the UN represents the more "progressive" civs pushing for world trade and the civics that give the most freedom and expression to citizens then the resolutions make sense.

                  The one thing I would like to see changed are the consequences of non-compliance. Rather than resolutions being binding non-compliance should carry a fairly severe diplomatic penalty, say -5 to relations with all the civs that have complied, for each resolution that a civ is ignoring.

                  Ignoring nuclear non-proliferation should also carry a technology trading embargo (and a block on uranium trading with that civ).

                  I realise that means an AI routine to get the AI to consider its diplomatic standing and to make adjustments if it gets too low. It would be interesting though with some AI's more prone to ignore the UN than others.
                  Never give an AI an even break.


                  • #24
                    I suggested a mod for such a thing back in the creation and files forum. But for now, I just made it so that 66% is nessissary to pass a civic change instead of 51%, 80% is needed for diplomatic victory, and 51% is needed to become leader.


                    • #25
                      Many of our politicians in Washington also believe that the U.N. is poorly done and too powerful. So it seems to me that the U.N. was well implemented.


                      • #26
                        How many people dislike the UN simply because it makes them do something they don't want to? This is like condemning chess as a crappy game because the rooks are so limited in their movement.
                        "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
                        "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
                        "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli


                        • #27
                          I like the UN as it is.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by fed1943
                            I like the UN as it is.
                            So do I.


                            • #29
                              Well, maybe "dislike" is not the correct word for me. I'll rather say "irrelevant". As I stated earlier... too little and too late. U.N really makes no difference and never really affect the outcome of the game anyway so is a compleatly unnessesary concept.
                              GOWIEHOWIE! Uh...does that
                              even mean anything?


                              • #30
                                I dont like the UN either.

                                Oh wait, you mean in Civ 4?

                                Maybe I should read the posts before I post.
                                Early to rise, Early to bed.
                                Makes you healthy and socially dead.

